careful what you wish for

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Chapter 1


"Be careful what you wish for
'Cause you just might get it
And if you get it then you just might not know
What to do wit' it, 'cause it might just
Come back on you ten-fold"

(Careful what you Wish for by Eminem)

Claire woke up with the uncomfortable feeling of something being off. She opened her eyes, trying to figure out what was different. And then she understood. It was the strange sensation of falling asleep in one place and waking up in another. Because the bedroom she found herself in was definitely not hers. It was kind of familiar though... Where had she seen it before? She looked around her curiously and then noticed a photo on her nightstand that made her widen her eyes. It was of three girls, one was definitely herself - fact that would have seemed strange enough already since she didn't remember having ever posed for this particular photo - but the really strange thing was the two other girls in the photo with her. She knew those girls, even if she hadn't ever met them in person, nor she thought she ever would. But it didn't make sense, she would surely remember if she had taken a photo with Nina Dobrev and Kat Graham. Especially in those cheerleaders' outfits. So she was in a photo with the actresses who played Elena and Bonnie in The Vampire Diaries, in their cheerleader uniforms, those same uniforms that she had seen in the episode 'Friday Night Bites'? How was it possible? And where was Candice Accola? The actress who played Caroline Forbes in the show. She looked around once again at the room she was in and then it clicked, why the room seemed so familiar. No way! I'm dreaming, I'm definitely dreaming! That was Caroline Forbes' room, the same one she had seen in the show. What the hell was happening? She closed and opened her eyes several times, hoping to wake up from this strange dream but nothing. Then she pinched her arm too for good measure - it hurts dammit - but it served no good. She was still there.

"Claire, are you up? You better hurry or you'll be late for your first day of school." She heard a woman's voice calling from outside her room.

"Yes, mum." She answered automatically and then widened her eyes even more. 'Mum?' Why did I call this woman 'mum'? I don't know her, but she obviously knows me since she called me by my name. A second later she realized that she knew that voice too. It was Liz Forbes' voice. You gotta be kidding me! I'm in The Vampire Diaries?

She got up from the bed in a sudden move and found herself in front of the big mirror near the window. She looked like herself and Liz Forbes called her Claire and not Caroline but she was in Caroline's room and there was no trace of her, she was even in a photo with Elena and Bonnie... Oh my God, I'm Caroline Forbes! Or at least, I've taken over her life. But if she was there, where was the real Caroline? Maybe they had switched places like in that British series when a modern girl switched places with Elizabeth Bennett and Darcy ended up falling in love with her? What was the title? Oh right, 'Lost In Austen'. But she had not crossed some strange door/portal to end up here. She had just woke up here. Why? The last thing she remembered was wishing she had Caroline's life. Oh! No, it's not possible. Those kind of things happened only in films or TV Shows, not in real life. Except that she was really there. What am I going to do now? She took a deep breath, trying to calm down. The best course of action right now was simply going through the motions and hoping to wake up the next day in her real world once again. So, first thing first, she needed to get ready for school. She took a quick shower, realizing that she needed to hurry or she would be very late. She took a brief look inside the walk-in closet - she had a walk-in closet now, wow - and grabbed a pair of dark blue jeans, a light blue top, black leather ankle boots and jacket. Those were not her clothes but they were definitely clothes she would have chosen for herself and they were actually her size too. Nothing pink or frilly like Caroline's clothes were in the TV show. Thank God for that, I may be a blonde cheerleader, but I'm not a Barbie! She searched for the makeup bag and finally find it on the dresser together with the jewelry box full of necklaces, rings and earrings. She put a little makeup on, just a bit of mascara, eyeliner, lip-gloss and a veil of blush on her cheeks. She wore a silver pair of earrings, a large silver bracelet with light blue decorations painted on it and then she spotted a beautiful lapis lazuli locket on a silver chain that cascaded perfectly a little above the neckline. She looked at it for a moment, having the impression that she was forgetting something and then she remembered. Today she would meet Stefan Salvatore at school. I need vervain. I hope Liz Forbes has got some of it somewhere. I don't want to end up as Damon's chew toy like what happened to the real Caroline in the show! She spotted her school bag on a chair near the door, thanking whoever send her there that the books she would need for school were already inside of it and then she descended the stairs towards the kitchen. She searched for a few minutes inside the various kitchen cabinets and finally spotted the familiar plant, thanking the Council and Zach Salvatore for their existence for the first time ever. She put some of it inside the locket and was finally ready to go. The car keys were on the table with a note from Liz to drive safe. Claire smiled at that. Maybe she could try to improve the relationship between Caroline and her mum since in the show it wasn't the best. Then she shook her head, There's no Caroline here, there's just me, at least for now. Better start thinking like that or people will think I am having Personality Disorders or something. She took the keys and left the house, finding the car already parked on the driveway. The problem was that she didn't know how to reach the school since she didn't know the Mystic Falls' streets. It wasn't like in the Vampire Diaries they show you how to reach the town's different places. She started the engine anyway and then she realized with a start that she knew the direction to take to arrive at Mystic Falls High. Maybe one day I'll get used to all the strange things that are happening to me. Or maybe it's better if I don't because that would mean I would get used to stay here too and I don't know if that's a good thing, especially counting the high mortality rate in this town. I really don't want to die, I'm too young for that.

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