Chapter Two

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" Don't curse. "

" Bye, mum! " Y/n waved and closed the door behind her, finding Peter leaning against his door as she walked three blocks down the street.

" Babyface! " She giggled, giving him a morning hug. " Just stop with it
already! " Peter rolled his eyes, patting her head.

" You're ruining my hair. " She complained, pulling away and correcting them. " Am I now? Let me see. " He ruffled her hair wildly and Y/n yelped, huffing.

" Alright, sorry. Here. " Peter laughed snd corrected her hair, Y/n smiling to herself. " School? " He motioned and
Y/n nodded.

Midtown School of Science and Technology is a school of, well, Science and Technology. Not everyone can get in and only students gifted in academic topics like Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Math excetra could get in.

With Peter's help, Y/n had managed to roll in and she was always in second place, Peter being in first. " Did you study for the Math-"

" We had a Math something? " She questioned, cutting him off. Her eyes wide as saucers. Peter sighed, smacking her head slightly. " Ow! "

" Yes, we do. You're lucky it's an afternoon class. We have lunch and a free period. " Peter says and stepped in the school hallways.

" Mhm... Always crowded. Do these people ever get a break? "

Y/n mumbled as she pushed past people, trying to keep up with Peter. Reaching her locker in one piece, she opened hers and took out the binders needed, putting back the rest of them inside.

" What's first? " Peter asked, leaning beside her locker. " Physics, thankfully. I wouldn't be able to handle Bio or Chem right now. "

Peter chuckled and shook his head.
" How are you straight A again? " Y/n rolled her eyes. " Whatever, smartass. No need to remind me again. " She leaned beside him, shoulders touching.

" Where is Nedster? " She mumbled, looking at the watch. Ned Leeds, was a Asian boy, short and chubby, a smile always plastered on his face.

Y/n and Peter had met him in the middle school, instantly bonding over the same interests like Star Wars, Star Trek, geekiness and Ned was, like Peter gifted in Computer science and he was exceptional at other subjects.

" Hey guys! I slept in! " He snickered and Y/n laughed. " It's alright, Ned. Class doesn't start for 10 more
minutes. "

" Yeah, that doesn't mean we stand here and talk. Let's go to class. " Peter interrupted and Y/n sighed. " Yes,
mum. "

Peter rolled his eyes playfully and dragged his two best friends along the way to thr class. " Penis Parker!!! "

" Oh, here he is again. " Y/n grumbled, turning around to face Flash. " What is it? "She snapped and Flash rolled his eyes.

" Be nice to your future boyfriend, Y/n." He smirked and Y/n rolled her eyes while Peter glared at Flash.

" Look, if you're gonna waste our time as usual, you might as well know we're not interested. " Y/n sighs and Flash nodded.

" Than I'll talk to Puny Parker here. " Peter held an urge to roll his eyes. He knew he didn't stand a chance against the official school bully. One wrong step and he'd be all beaten.

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