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30th may 1998

dear thea,
                    28 days. 28 days is how long you've been gone. can i even do this without you? you were always there for me. always there for my lows, to cheer me up, to keep me sane. i've been in the hospital since it happened. and your parents, your parents! they buried you without me! they didn't want me there. they didn't want me, you were my girlfriend, how could they do that to you! but the worst part was i never got to say goodbye. i never got to see you one last time. just one last time. i know it wouldn't have made all the difference, but you were my soulmate, my rock and i never even got to say goodbye.

i'll love you forever,

LOVE, NEVILLE ⟶ Neville LongbottomWhere stories live. Discover now