A Cheerleader's Secret Part 12

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Context: After Julia and Camryn go on their date after Camryn ( read a cheerleader secrets parts 1-3 for more context) breaks her arm from Sarah, Julia also whisks her off to a small beach cabin her family owns. Its just the two of them, and Julia did it to have a mini vacation with Camryn. This scene in particular is a couple days after the arrive at the cabin/house, and its after the have some sexy time together ;)  Hope you like it!


Julia twirled Camryn's hair between her fingers. The cheerleader was laying on Julia's naked body, her head right on top of Julia's stomach. The blankets covered just above Camryn's hips, showing the smooth curve of her back as she rested. Julia lay there, deep in thought as she played with Camryn's hair absentmindedly. The only light that came in to the room was the moonlight that spilled from the window.

Camryn breathed deeply, and then she changed positions. She put her hands on Julia's stomach, the cheerleaders arm cast was a bit bulky but Julia didn't complain. Camryn rested her chin atop it, looking at Julia. "Hey Jules?"

"Yeah Cammie?"

Camryn opened her mouth to say something, but then a thought went across her face and she stopped herself. Camryn darted her eyes elsewhere a bit sheepishly, and said, "Nevermind."

"Hey," Julia's voice was soft. The brunette softly stroked the cheerleader's cheek and Camryn returned her gaze to her girlfriend. "Whats on your mind?"

Julia could see the debate in Camryn's yellow-blue eyes, but then the girl finally sighed and asked, "What do you think is going to happen with Sarah when we go back?"

Julia stiffened.

Sarah...if Julia was honest, the thought of her best friend had not even crossed her mind ever since she went on this mini vacation with Camryn for the past couple of days. It was such an odd feeling. Normally, that prospect would have sent her heart thundering in her rib cage. Her entire life had revolved around Sarah and her presence. She loved her best friend, but Julia knew in her heart that she really was Sarah's shadow.

And now, as Julia gazed down at Camryn who lay on her stomach looking up with the most wide and vulnerable yellow-blue eyes in the world, Julia knew all that has changed. Right here was the girl who had flipped her wallflower self into someone who can stand up.

"Have you been thinking about her?" Julia asked. It saddened her that Camryn was the one who could not get Sarah out of her head. The whole ordeal of dropping Camryn during the stunt must have traumatized her in some way.

"Yeah," Camryn admitted. "She broke my arm Jules. We are not even exactly sure why she did it. We always knew she hated me, but taking it this far? Was it because she found out about us? Did she hate the idea of us dating? Was she jealous? Or did she want to mess me up for the cheerleading competitions? We know nothing and she's out there probably planning her next psychopathic move on me."

"Hey hey," Julia leaned up and cupped Camryns face in her hands. "I am not going to let anything happen to you. "

Camryn held her gaze, and Julia could see the turmoil behind it. There was a slight tremor in the hands that's lay on Julia, and it dawned on her that Camryn was scared. One by one, the strings within Julia's heart began to be plucked and broken.

Julia sat up, and Camryn's eyes followed her movements. The cheerleader's wide eyes made her seem like a lost vulnerable girl.

"Come here," Julia demanded softly.

Camryn sat upright as well and upon seeing Julia open her arms, the cheerleader folded herself against them. Molding herself into the strong embrace as the arms wrapped around her, nuzzling her face into the crook of Julia's neck.

They stayed like that for a moment, catching themselves as their minds reeled. Julia pulled back slightly, and when Camryn looked to her Julia leaned her forehead on her girlfriends. "It's going to be okay. We'll pull through this. Sarah can't get between us, and if she tries anything again I will make it very clear that the choice will always be you."

Camryn shook her head. "I don't want that. I would never make you choose between the two of us. I know you love us both, and that we both mean a lot to you. It would break my heart to make you go through that decision."

Camryn's selflessness slammed into Julia then. All this time, Sarah had been a wedge that tried its absolute hardest to squeeze in between them. To separate them. Sarah made it very clear that the girls could not be in Julia's life at the same time. Sarah pushed for Julia to make a decision on who she wanted in her life, and it did break her a bit inside.

Yet, Camryn never did that. The cheerleader never wanted that for her, knowing that Julia would be just as heartbroken.

Julia grabbed Camryn's face between her hands and kissed her. Camryn in took a small breath in surprise, and Julia used it as an opportunity to slip in her tongue. She sucked on Camryn's bottom lip, and then cheerleader couldn't help but moan at the sensation.

One of Julia's hands cascaded down Camryn's neck, over her shoulder, roaming her sides as if it were memorizing every dip and curve of the cheerleader's body. Julia pushed Camryn's down, never breaking their kiss. Camryn's hands were instantly on her sides, sending shivers up Julia's body as her fingertips lightly scraped against her skin. Julia flicked her tongue against Camryn's, playing and exploring. A small pant escaped Camryn, and finally Julia leaned away.

Camryn lay before her with her hair sprawled and her eyes closed. Her chest rose and fell in a small breaths, and her lips were reddened and plump from Julia. The cheerleader opened her eyes, and there her yellow-blue irises were filled with lust and something else Julia couldn't pin point.

"What was that for?" Camryn asked, her voice low.

Julia caressed the side of Camryns face. "Because I love you. You are so selfless, and it just hit me all of sudden at how much I love your angelic self."

Camryn smiled, running her hands up and down Julia's back. Julia had to stifle a moan at how good it felt to have Camryn's hands follow the curve of her body mindlessly. "Angelic self...I've never thought of myself in that way."

"You should," Julia responded honestly. "You're so good and pure it feels surreal to stand next to you sometimes."

Camryn giggled, and Julia couldn't help but grin upon seeing her girlfriends cute dimples. Julia grabbed one of Camryn's hands and intertwined their fingers. "Cammie, I could never let go of this. I love Sarah, and I know you don't want me to choose, but I want you to know that if it came down to it I will be by your side. Always."

Camryn's eyes seemed to glow- and something shifted in them. The longer Julia stared, the more she realized that what shifted was the fear from Camryn. Her girlfriend no longer seemed scared. The hand Julia held no longer trembled slightly.

Camryn squeezed their hands slightly, and shone a smile so bright at Julia it could have blinded her. "Always?"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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