The Best Boyfriend

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Emile had just gotten back home from work, he really wanted to plop down with some hot cocoa and watch Avatar: The Last Airbender (but not the movie wE DON'T TALK ABOUT THE MOVIE) Yes, so much conflict he had to resolve between his patients; communicating to each other, opening up about their feelings, the list goes on.

He had set down his things near the apartment door and announced "Babe! I'm home!" Remy usually just yelled back a "hello" or a "what's up", but today he didn't respond and Emile was a little worried and suspicious.

Emile changed into a holiday sweater and pajama pants, then happily made himself a nice cup of hot cocoa. He wanted to relax and thought that Remy was probably just sleeping or out at Starbucks, so he started to rewatch his favorite episodes of ATLA

It wasn't long before he had fallen asleep though, and Remy had actually just been upstairs in their room, completely silent, making sure that Emile didn't hear him. As Remy made his way down the stairs he found his lovable boyfriend asleep on the couch, all bundled up.

Remy carefully took Emile's cup and set Emile's and Remy's cup on the counter. He picked up Emile ever so carefully and carried to the bedroom. As he tucked in Emile, Remy remembered how much Emile had been there for him, and just how priceless he was.

Remy went downstairs and grabbed his coffee, along with the car keys. Remy drove out to get the cake and more coffee. As he entered the house, he took out the present he had hidden, along with the card. He set down the items on the counter and went back upstairs to get Emile

"Babe, wake up. There's something downstairs for you" Remy said gently, giving Emile his glasses

"Oh, Remy! What is it?" Emile said, kinda sleepily

Remy didn't say much as he guided his tired boyfrind down the stairs and into the main area. Emile gasped as he set eyes upon the birthday setup on the counter

"Oh my gosh, Remy did you do this for me?" Emile said, excited

"Of course I did babe, it's your birthday after all" Remy said taking another sip of his coffee

"Thank you so much Remy!" 

"It was no problem babe" Remy took off his sunglasses completely and kissed Emile, presenting the gift and cake to him.

"And since it's your big day, I'll watch any cartoon you want with you" Remy takes another sip of his coffee

Emile looks at him with a goofy smile on his face "Will you do it without your sunglasses...?"

Remy looked a bit uncertain, but Emile made a puppy dog face that he just couldn't resist "Yes babe, without my sunglasses" Remy took the off and kissed his boyfriend once more

Emile smiled as blushed formed on his angelic face "Ok, we're going to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender!"

"Alright, I can get down with that" Remy said as he led Emile to the couch. Emile was on top of Remy as they cuddled, handling the remote

"I'm going to go gay to Cactus Juice Sokka!"

Remy gets a little confused "Isn't the expression 'go straight to'- oh wait no I see what you did there" He smiled at Emile's sense of humor

Emile smiled in return, getting comfortable with the best birthday he ever had

552 Words

A Cartoon Birthdayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें