In Which Five is a Big Number

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"Oh my god, Ryan."

Ryan's almost positive there's no better sound than Harry groaning her name. It's somehow scratchy yet completely audible, and Ryan can hear the little breathy sounds in between each syllable. It's a juxtaposition of breathlessness and clear-cut clarity, and when her name falls off his lips like a secret, she feels special that it's only for her ears to hear.

The tip of her nose tickles the thin patch of hair at the bottom of his naval, and when she feels him hit the back of her throat and tears start to spring from her eyes, he lets out another guttural "Christ, Ryan," and she knows he's very close to falling apart.

They've spent the past two months getting acquainted with each other's bodies. After Harry finally kissed Ryan in her living room, he carried her over to the couch and they snogged like teenagers—all bitten lips and roaming tongues, knocking teeth and wandering hands. When Ryan started rutting against his thigh and the tightness in Harry's pants became unbearable, they separated and decided to take things slow.

But that was two months ago. Now, if things went any slower, they'd be stagnant.

Those first three weeks they kissed so much that Ryan's jaw ached and Harry's lips were permanently raw. He wanted to take things slow because he assumed Ryan would grow overwhelmed with each next step they took. But one night after Ryan came over for dinner and pretended to say goodnight to Jackson, she waited in the hallway until Harry was certain Jackson was down for the night, and when his front door ripped open and his hands grasped her arms, he dragged her onto his couch and kissed her like he did every other night before that.

But Ryan was growing restless, and while she thought it was admirable the way Harry wanted to be patient with her, she was practically losing her mind with the way his hands stayed planted on her ass and never went anywhere else, the way his lips kissed every inch of her skin above the neckline of her shirt, the way she would be begging for more and Harry wouldn't oblige.

Even though Ryan could barely look at Harry those first two months they were tiptoeing around each other, she knew that right now—with his mouth licking at the underside of her jaw and his hands squeezing the thick fleshy parts of her ass—she was going to fucking lose it if he didn't do anything more.

Because they've finally figured it out. The unanswered questions that were plaguing them in the beginning have slowly been answered with every moment she spends with him. The lingering gazes and unknown feelings finally meant something to both of them. But now—now that she's had a taste and gotten a glimpse of what Harry could do to her, she's practically gone crazy thinking about it all.

Ryan's never been more sure of one thing in her entire life. And it's that if she and Harry go any slower, she'll burst.

So in a blind moment of bravery, Ryan reached down between the pair of them and palmed the growing bulge in his trousers. His mouth ripped from her skin and his head fell back against the armrest of his leather couch, a deep moan working its way through his throat. And when it finally exploded from his parted cherry lips, Ryan could feel herself freefalling, losing sight of everything in front of her and crashing aimlessly below.

"Shit, Ryan." His voice was strained and Ryan loved every second of it, and before she could have a conscious thought of what she was actually doing, her hands undid the black button with ease and her tiny fingers worked their way through his zipper, and suddenly she was reaching into his briefs and feeling him completely.

That was the first time she ever heard Harry groan like that, and Ryan's almost positive she's been addicted to the sound ever since.

That first night on Harry's brown leather couch started a series of sneaking in and out of each other's flats during all hours of the day just to get a piece of the other. Harry would slip out of his own when Jackson was down for his afternoon kip, opening Ryan's front door and tasting her until he heard his mobile buzz with the sounds of Jackson's stirrings. He'd sneak out just as quickly as he came, leaving her with a mouth-tingling kiss and the overwhelming urge of wanting more more more.

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