"Ugh, Hermione got me a homework planner," Ron groaned. He held up the book and waved it at Harry.

"Yeah, I got one too," Harry complained back. This gift was most definitely a sign Hermione would not be doing their homework any longer.

After opening all their presents, Ron and Harry went down to the kitchen. As Harry walked through the door he peered around the room for the girl from last night, but she wasn't there. Maybe she left, he thought, but he then remembered the state of her injuries and quickly concluded she could not have gone anywhere even if she wanted to. Distracted by his growling stomach, Harry started to walk again and grabbed a piece of toast from the middle of the table before taking a seat next to Sirius.

Harry turned to Sirius to wish him a Happy Christmas and found Sirius already looking at him. Sirius's lips rose into a smile that covered half his face. "Happy Christmas, Harry!" Sirius exclaimed. He was so excited he nearly yelled. Before Harry could reply, Sirius pulled him into a hug so tight Harry couldn't breathe. When Sirius finally let go Harry gasped for air. He laughed and wished Sirius a Happy Christmas as well. Harry could see tears collecting around the brim of Sirius's eyes, but Sirius did not seem to care. Instead, he started bombarding Harry with questions about his presents, the smile never leaving his face. Somehow Harry knew Sirius's tears were not from sadness.

Their conversation was interrupted by George, "Come on Mum, Ron and Harry are awake. You said you would tell us once they came downstairs." Everyone turned their heads to Mrs. Weasley who looked rather annoyed.

"Oh alright... alright," she muttered in defeat, putting down the mixing bowl in her hands. "I will not give you details," she began which resulted in a groan from around the table. She continued pretending not to notice their outburst, "Her name is Cassandra and I would like all of you to treat her nicely with the manners I know you all possess. Even if they are very well hidden," she shot the twins a warning glare. Cassandra, Harry thought, so that's her name.

"She had a very nasty night. So if even one of you begins questioning or prodding the poor girl, the whole lot will clean this house top to bottom. Every.... plank... of wood... Do you understand?" She ordered. Mrs Weasley's eyes dared anyone to challenge her, but everyone stayed quiet.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Weasley's explanation gave Harry more questions than answers. He began picking at his toast wondering what she meant by 'nasty night'. It obviously had to do with why the girl appeared soaked in blood and covered in dirt, but how did she get so roughed up? Harry began to wonder if 'guard duty' had anything to do with the sudden appearance of a stranger.

Harry was listening to Hermione and Ginny discuss Micheal Corner when Mrs. Weasley hit one of the many bowls on the counter. It fell to the floor and covered Mrs. Weasley in white powder. She stood in shook for a moment and Harry had to hold the laugh trying to burst through his lips. He saw Sirius next to him doing the same.

"Well I'm going to go get washed up," Mrs. Weasley said in defeat, leaving the kitchen not even bothering to clean the powder now covering the table. Once Mrs. Weasley out of sight, every head turned to Sirius.

"So, who is she?" Fred urged. The table wasted no time changing the conversation to Cassandra. Harry's heart skipped with hope. Surely Sirius would answer their questions.

"Where'd she come from?"

"How come we've never met her before?"

"How'd she get all bloody," Ron asked bluntly. Sirius opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted by a softer voice.

"I tripped on a tree root, rather annoying they are." Harry snapped his neck toward the doorway. Standing inside it was Cassandra. She had the same goofy smile across her face as she spoke. Harry watched as she walked to the nearest chair and took a seat. He could feel his stomach beginning to jump again at the sight of her. Her head wound was now almost nonexistent and Harry could tell she had gotten a shower because her skin was glowing under the bright lights. His eyes lowered and he noticed her clothing. She was still in her pajamas. The extra fabric falling off her body suggested she had most likely borrowed a pair from Sirius. Harry's gaze become fixed on the small piece of lace visible above the rolled waistband of her pants.

"Some tree root. Are you sure you didn't get into a fight with the Whomping Willow?" George scoffed.

"I'm not sure what that is, but I can assure you a tree root was the culprit," she joked. "Well a tree root, a rock, and a few Death Eaters, but what's the difference really?" Harry's eyes widened at the mention of Death Eaters. It explained her unnerving appearance last night, but Harry was still confused. He thought the Death Eaters were still hiding in the shadows. No one had mentioned to him that the Order was now launching attacks against them. Harry grew slightly angry at that thought.

"Death Eaters?!" Ginny exclaimed. "You were fighting Death Eaters?"

"Well it wasn't exactly on my to-do list. But they ambushed me on my walk home from the pub..." Cassandra was interrupted by another voice.

"Oh Cassandra! There you are. Happy Christmas!" Mrs Weasley said eagerly. Harry's heart sunk, their chance of receiving answers had vanished. "How are you feeling?"

"Amazing. Thank you so much Mrs. Weasley." Cassandra answered. Mrs Weasley replied by setting a plate in front of her and filling it with food. The teenagers stopped their questioning due to the fear of Mrs Weasley's wrath.

Harry was lost in thought when he felt a foot collide with his shin under the table. He turned to Sirius, "Ow!" Harry expected Sirius to say something in his defense. Instead he saw Sirius nodding his head in the other direction. Slowly, Harry turned to find Cassandra looking at him.

She laughed again. Harry was slightly thankful for his idiocy, he loved the way she laughed. "I asked for your name," she smiled.

"Oh," he stammered. "I'm Harry... Harry Potter."

"So... you're the bloke everyone keeps talking about," she said.

"Yeah, I guess I am," he laughed. Their conversation was short lived thanks to one of the twins grabbing her attention. Harry went back to poking his toast when his was hit yet again by another one of Sirius's limbs.

"Smooth," he whispered and winked at Harry.

"Oh shut it," Harry joked and gave Sirius a slight shove.

They were only sitting at the table another few minutes before Mrs. Weasley announced they were leaving for St. Mungo's. "Cassandra dear, Sirius will keep you company. We'll only be gone a few hours."

"Don't worry about it Mrs. Weasley I should be heading home anyways," Cassandra said casually. Mrs Weasley jumped slightly almost knocking over another bowl.

"You can not go home, it is too dangerous. You must wait for Professor Dumbledore."

It was Cassandra's turn to look surprised. Harry could tell she was not expecting Mrs. Weasley to tell her what to do. But Cassandra didn't fight her, she instead nodded and agreed to stay at Grimmauld Place. The Weasleys began filing out of the dining room and into the hallway and Harry reluctantly followed.

Harry took one last look at Cassandra and Sirius before walking out the front door. He was met by a stinging breeze. With a small huff, he put his hands in his pockets and began walking to St. Mungo's.


Soooo how do we feel about Harry's pov? He's so cute I can't. Next chapter is going back to Cassandra's pov, but don't worry I have more Harry chapters planned :)


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