Happy Birthday Idia!

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***Spoilers ahead***

Meanwhile at the Ignihyde lounge...

"Happy birthday Idia!" Glory chirps with a vibrant grin. Idia flinched from the ravenette's lively praise.

"Eh...a-ah, um...T-Than..ks." He mutters slightly squirming.

"You're welcome, and that sit looks cool on you." She compliments making the flaming blue haired otaku stare down at the blue ribbon.

"This "Yo! Party captain!" looking thing? I don't understand the point." He said.

"It's loud, it's formal, it...makes me stand out. And it makes people that I don't know talk to me more. Why does such a terrifying thing?" Idia laments as he subtly lowers his head.

"I am truly at my limit..." Then he erupts a sigh.

"I wish to divest myself of it immediately." Idia requests.

"While I understand what it means to stand out, I need to do a quick interview before we could give you the quiet space you need." Glory suggests baffling yet frightening the introvert.

"Eek! I-I-I-Interview, you said? Me?" Idia stutters.

"I said "quick" interview, Idia. It won't be too long. Nothing personal, I'm just gonna ask you a few simple questions, then it's off you go." She reassures, but the dorm head shakes his head profusely.

"No, no, don't joke. For a reserved gentleman like myself, that would be impossible... I must politely decline." He meekly rejects with a timid smile, but Glory shakes her head.

"I'm sorry Idia. The photography club needs this for the newspaper article and I have to get the job done." She directly assured.

"You won't-! Ugh fine, h-hold on..." Soon, the recluse gets up from the couch and walks off. Soon a fainted sound booms through the room as Glory spun her head to see the tablet floats towards her until it faces in front of her.

"Alright, fine. T-Then let's get this over with." He said with the ravenette sighs at his typical introverted nature, but continues the interview.

"Okay. First question is what do you think about the congratulations?" Glory asks curiously.

"...H-Having a ton of real-world students talk to me is eerily torture...If they think they're all gonna get birthday congrats from everyone there super mistaken!" He rants through the speaker from the tablet.

"But doesn't your birthday make you happy?" Glory asks tilting her head a bit.

"Birthday just means you're one year closer to death. That's not something to be happy...Ah, I'm lying! I'll correct myself. Because the 2D world is full of fantastic birthday events!" He cheers.

"Collecting limited voice lines, reading birthday stories...I have been so very busy all day~." He marvels and the ravenette grins sweetly.

"Seems like a chill birthday party." Glory compliments.

"It was the best birthday ever!" He chirps.

"S-So can I go back to my room already...?" He asks politely, but Glory stares at him blankly.

"Idia, there's only seven questions to be answered." Glory directly told him making the introvert flinched.

"S-Seven!? N-No, I get the feeling no one's getting anything out of this, so isn't it enough...?" He inquires meekly.

"Not from the tablet. We'll get this interview done if I could talk to you in person." Glory informs.

"...If we speak directly, will it take less time?" He asks curiously.

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