Happy Birthday Floyd!

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Right after Glory managed to get Floyd off of her, the ravenette lets out a sigh and smiled at him.

"Alright, let's try this again. Happy birthday Floyd!" Glory cheers.

"Thanks, Lionfish~." He merrily replied.

"How are you feeling with everyone celebrating for you?" Glory asked.

"It's loud and tons of fun." He chirped.

"Was it loud as the ones that you and your brother celebrated in your hometown?" Glory inquired.

"Nah. None were ever this noisy, but I like the ones here better, 'cause they're not so formal." Floyd stated.

"Gotcha. So rumor has it that you keep a stash of sweets in your room. Is that true? And if so, why?" Glory asked curiously baffling the eel.

"Huh? You don't do that, Lionfish? Don't you ever get hungry before going to sleep, even after eating dinner? Me 'n Jade aren't done growing yet." Floyd said and the ravenette bobs her head.

"Noted. Next, what's your favorite treat?" Glory asked as the eel tilts his head a little to the left.

"Hm...It depends on how I'm feeling that day...A long time ago it was peppermint candy. Last week it was melon soda-flavored gummies...Yesterday I was eating almost biscotti. I think I like the ones with chewy textures more than just liking certain flavors. Also you can only eat on land." Floyd listed them all with a chill grin making Glory sweatdrop.

I mean...He has mood swings so it isn't surprising to see him being picky when it comes of his appetite....

She thought and Floyd turns to his girlfriend.

"If you ever find some weird candies, could you give some to me, Lionfish?" He asked curiously and she bobs her head.

"Don't worry, I will. Also, what's your favorite food?" Glory asked curiously.

"Simple. It's Takoyaki! Oh, do you know what a takoyaki is?" The perky eel asked and Glory bobs her head.

"I do. Me and my besties went to a Japanese restaurant for Zara's birthday when we were in seventh grade. It was expensive though but good thing her mom paid the bill through her career as computer repair technician. However, I didn't eat it not because I don't like it, but I don't want to eat my favorite animal." Glory said grimacing at her time at Zara's birthday where she had to witnessed her best friends devouring her favorite animal; no thanks to The Little Mermaid she watched as a kid. Floyd tilts her head with a puzzled look.

"Eeehh? What's so bad of eating octopus? Me and Jade and some other students in our dorm had some the other day after the Mostro Lounge closed. Turning 'em over is actually pretty hard, but I kept doing it till I got really good at making them. Takoyaki means "octopus balls," but you can put other stuff inside and that way you won't get sick of them." Floyd chirps.

"What kind of ingredients how you tried in them?" Glory asked curiously as the eel grins with excitement.

"First I made them with shrimp and cheese! And then sausage, oysters, tomatoes, broccoli, strawberries, heavy cream, chocolate, anchovies, potato salad, konnyaku." Floyd told her. Glory sweatdrops at the thought of combos together while suppressing her gag reflexes at the "strawberries, chocolate, heavy cream, anchovies, and konnyaku" part.

"..You've seem to be open when it comes to your food preferences." Glory assumed and he nods his head.

"Yeah! It ended up turning into a contest over who could make the weirdest combo...All of 'em were so gross, it was hilarious!" Floyd cackles remembering his time that he combined the foods together with Takoyakis.

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