Ch.9 Rotten To The Core

Start from the beginning

"Puff?! Can you hear me?!", he called out. Yet nobody came or called back. He found his way out of the crowd and sighed, 'Surely he's still here! I would've seen him walk by or leave.', maybe he should walk around first or meet up with Classic and Fell to see if they saw Puff. Just as he was about to walk away he heard someone snap.

"What the fuck?!"

Edge turned and looked around. Nobody seemed upset...but he could've sworn he heard someone...

"You fucking dare to be off your pills? No wonder you are so bratty and acting like such a smart ass.", that voice again. Edge quickly followed it to a dark alley, ' No...please no...Puff can't be down this alley...', he bit his lip and slowly walked in.

"You are off of them! You are a fucking downer and deserve everything bad that ever came to you!", right as Edge turned the corner, he saw someone raise their hand to hit Puff....who looked so scared and terrified. He looked ready to cry.

"That's enough! You stay right there and don't you dare hurt him!", Edge quickly went over to the two. This was supposed to be a good day but he didn't mind fighting someone to keep Puff safe.

"Edge!", Puff pushed Raspberry off of him with the last bit of strength he had. Finally, some help! The hope Puff held onto was worth it. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he ran towards Edge, holding tightly onto his chest.

"Help me! Help me, please! Don't let him near me, please! I don't want to go back with him, help me please!", Puffs words almost ran together as he shook. He was hyperventilating, barely taking in air as he panicked.

"Hey,hey! It's okay! Puff breathe for me...", he held Puff tightly, his arm wrapped around Puff's torso and his other hand resting on Puff's head, looking up he glared,"Who are you and what have you done to Puff?"

Raspberry straightened himself up, clasping his hands behind his back,"Raspberry...and this is a conversation between me and Puff. I suggest you leave."

"Fuck No!", Edge moved Puff away as he walked towards Raspberry, getting into his face," You listen to me, fucker! I saw you about to hit him! I don't care who you are or whatever 'conversation' you were having with him! You don't ever touch him! Me and him are leaving and if I see you around him, I'll knock you down.", he growled.

"I'd love to see you try...", Raspberry dared. Edge's fists clenched, then he stepped back, going back to puff. He turned Puff around, holding his shoulders and walking him out of the alley.

Raspberry looked to the floor and picked up the dirty stuffed dog,"...I'll be seeing you later Puff...eventually I'll be seeing you again."

"Don't fucking talk to him. Trash such as yourself doesn't deserve to talk to him.", with that the two quickly left. Edge only looked over his shoulder once to see Raspberry clutching the stuffed dog, staring at Edge with an angry glare.

"Puff are you alright? Your neck...", Edge frowned as he saw bruises forming on Puff's neck.

"I wanna go. I just wanted one day where nothing could go wrong...that's  too much to ask for apparently. "

"So that's Raspberry? He's certainly an asshole. I'm going to arrest him, fucking throw him in jail, and neither of us have to deal with him again."

"It's not that easy...I've already tried."

"What do you mean? He just hurt you Puff! There is evidence all over your neck! I saw him about to hit you with my own eyes! It will be easy!"

"It won't be easy...he has too much influence in the police force."

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