Sick Day

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  The days that followed the Chili date between Lizzie and Jim were practically torture for the girl. She had come down with what she presumed to be the flu and had found it hard to muster the energy to get out of bed. With a stuffy nose and a harsh stomach ache, all she wanted to do was drink some warm soup and sleep all day. However, she thought it best to call Jim and tell him not to pick her up for work before anything else.

  Rolling out of bed, she shuffled across her bedroom to reach for her cell. She had left it in her jacket pocket previously and had cursed herself for doing so when she began to feel the effects of her sickness in the very front of her head.
"Hey, where are-" Jim began before he heard Lizzie sneeze on the other end, causing her to groan out of frustration, "Jesus, are you okay?"
"I'm sick, Jim. I can't make it to work today." Her voice had come out nasally, making her shut her eyes and rub the bridge of her nose. She wished she was better again, being sick had not been fun so far.
"So I take it you don't want me to come pick you up?" She chuckled as she moved back to the comfort of her bed, her head instantly being relieved as she laid down.
"No, I think I'll be okay just staying home thank you very much."
"Okay. Well if you need anything, don't call the front desk." This made Lizzie laugh even harder, causing her to go into a small coughing fit. With a small "okay" and a wish for him to have a good day, Lizzie hung up on the man and closed her eyes again.
  Back at the office, things were getting boring for Jim and he had wished more than anything that Lizzie was back by his side. The way they would always share glances and make terrible jokes about Dwight and Michael, it always managed to keep him entertained and away from his lame paper job. Looking up from his stack of paperwork, he had hoped that she would just magically appear out of nowhere, but instead her chair remained empty, just as it was earlier that morning.

Conference Room Confessional:
"You know, things are pretty boring without Lizzie. I'm not going to lie. I mean without her here I actually have to try at my job," Jim said with a disappointed shake of his head, clasping his hands in front of him, "I just hope she gets better soon."

  Not long after his pit of loneliness formed, Jim found that Dwight was walking around the office to give everyone their daily list of chores, coming straight towards Jim's desk first. Without the Janitor being present, everyone had to pull their own weight. Not that Jim minded or anything.
"Jim, toilet cleaning." Dwight announced without further hesitation, turning towards Lizzie's desk as if she was present in the scene as well.
"Lizzie, floor-Where's Lizzie?" Jim looked up at the man as he placed his pen gently between his lips.
"Who?"Jim toyed with the man, throwing his all to famous smirk towards the nearest camera.He knew what was coming next and he silently apologized to his partner in crime for it. He'll make up for it someday.
"Lizzie. The woman who sits next to you?"
"Mm, nope. Doesn't ring a bell." Dwight looked at Jim in disbelief.
"Lizzie Walker! The woman who sits in that desk right there!" Jim's eyes followed to where Dwight was now pointing, refraining from laughing as he watched his face turn red.
"Oh! You must mean Lizzie. Yeah, She's out sick today." And with that Dwight stormed towards Michael's office.
"That is unacceptable."

Conference Room Confessional:
"I do not tolerate sick days. If they were a Schrute such as myself then they wouldn't have gotten sick in the first place." Dwight said with a blank look on his face, leaning back in his chair ever so slightly.

"Michael, Lizzie's out sick." Dwight announced as he stepped into the man's office.
"On a Friday? That is unacceptable."
"I completely agree." And with that, Dwight moved to sit next to his boss, bringing the phone near to do a clear investigation.
Meanwhile, Lizzie laid in bed, watching her favorite trilogy of Star Wars as her Mom made her chicken noodle in the kitchen. She was adamant about allowing her Mom over at this time, but the woman insisted on taking care of her until she felt she was better. Leaning over to get a tissue from her nightstand, she heard her phone ring from next to her. She groaned as she picked the phone up to check the caller I. D, pausing her movie temporarily.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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