Love and Denial

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It had been an early Friday morning,the air smelling like nothing but strong coffee as everyone proceeded to doing their daily tasks.Lizzy,however,was left daydreaming at her desk,her usual bright eyes filled with despair and exhaustion as her eyes stared off into space.She had recently ended a sales call and was now left with nothing more to do,leaving her bored and extremely sleepy.Her co-worker,Jim,took quick notice to this,a small smile forming on his lips as he looked up from his computer.

Conference Room Confessional:
"Lizzy has been working here for two weeks now,"Jim said as he flashed two fingers in front of the camera,his legs crossed as he smirked,"And every morning she nearly falls asleep at her desk.So I,of course,try to wake her up..."

  Lizzy's dull eyes slowly began to close,her head placed conviently in the palm of her hand as Jim began to rise up from his office chair to wake her up with some surprised fun.However,he seemed to not be the only one that took notice to her tired state for another salesman had walked up to her desk,fingers snapping and voice ready.
"This thing called love,I just can't handle it."It had been Andy Bernard,his voice echoing throughout the enclosed office space as he song a love song written by the all to famous bamd Queen.

Conference Room Confessional:
"...that is if Andy doesn't get in the way."Jim said as his smirk dissapeared,his finger playing with his lips as he slowly began to frown.

  Lizzy's eyes snapped open with a start as Jim sat back down in his seat,frown on his face and eyes full of an uncertain sadness.
"This thing called love,I must get round to it.I ain't ready,Crazy Little Thing Called Love."Lizzy found herself grinning,giving Andy her full attention as he continued to sing,his eyes closed and finger raising with every high note he attempted to reach.

Conference Room Confessional:
"Uh,Yeah!So Andy and I are dating now.Have been for like a week or so actually,"Lizzy said with a wide,warm grin,"I mean after the first date..How could I not?He's just so sweet!"

  The room filled with applause as Andy finished singing,the only person clapping being the now fully awake Lizzy.
"That was great!"She encouraged as she looked up at him,her eyes soft and full of love as she kept her warm smile.Andy grinned sheepishly as he looked down at her,fiddling with his fingers nervously.
"Thanks.There's alot more where that came from."He said with a cocky tone laced in his voice.Jim had been trying to hide behind his computer,scrolling through an email from corprate as he tried his best to ignore his disturbed thoughts of disliking.
Later that day,it had come to Lizzy and Jim's break time,a time they always managed to take upon themselves and talk about life.Secretly,it had been Lizzy's favorite time of day,but even she didn't accept that for she was too ignorant and oblivious.Getting out of her seat,she looked at Jim with excited and hopeful eyes,her lips marking a horribly hidden smirk.She had been awaiting Jim's excitement,hoping he'd be ready to go.However,he had been stuck in his seat,his eyes not looking up from a stack of papers.

  Lizzy's dark eyebrows furrowed as she stared down at the man,her smirk slowly dissappearing.
"You coming?"she asked softly,her voice filled with hope and anticipation.Jim quickly looked up at her,confused before checking the time.
"Uh,No.I have a business call I need to make."He told her as he looked back down at his papers to search for a fake phone number.Lizzy's eyes suddenly filled with sadness as she began to make her way to the break room.
"Okay."She said disappointingly,her head down and strands of hair covering her face as she walked by herself to buy her favorite bag of chips from the vending machine.

  It was unusual,Jim was never this distant.He had always wanted to go with her anywhere,even if it was just a couple feet away.Though Lizzy understood if it was for work,she had been there a time or two herself.Her fingers fiddled with the quarters she had in her hand as she walked into the breakroom with her head down,this getting confused looks from her other co-workers,this includong Andy as well.It was unusual for the girl to be sad,especially on a Friday.

  Walking into the small room filled with chairs and tables,Lizzy quickly filed her quarters into the slot of few vending machines,a small sound coming from it each times one fell to the bottom.The girl let out a sniffle,preventing her nose from running as she typed in the chip's number,waiting for it to fall to the bottom.Grabbing her snack,she began to turn,only to be met with the sudden body of Andy.Lizzy let out a nervous laugh as she looked up at him,clearly surprised.
"Oh,hey."She said,fiddling with the hem of her chip bag.

  Andy had wanted to check up on her,make sure she was alright.He had no clue about the denial she had been in from the sudden turnaway of Jim and her's break time,but he was determined to make her feel better.
"Hey.You alright."He asked concerned,his face full of worry as he looked down at her fragile figure.Lizzy nodded quickly as she looked away from his urging eyes,her palms sweaty as she held the small bag in her hands.
"Yeah.Fine."She said as she forced another smile on her face,hiding her true sadness away from her boyfriend as she made herself look back up at him.

  The air was filled with a slight awkwardness for a moment,nothing but quiet as they stood there looking at eachother.It took a minute before Lizzy cleared her throat,making her way to move past him.
"Well,better get back to work."She said,giving Andy a quick kiss on the cheek before exiting the room.Andy stood frozen,his state in shock as he grinned sheepishly,his cheeks a bright red as he fiddled with his fingers again.

Conference Room Confessional:
"She kissed me on the cheek!Did you see that?She kissed me on the cheek!"Andy said with much excitement,jumping up and down in his seat as he stared into the camera in front of him.He then cleared his throat and calmed himself down."But there's definitly something wrong,and I am determined to get down to the bottom of it."

  "Okay,yeah.I was a little hurt by Jim's little comment earlier,but he had his reasons and I get that...I just get hurt by the littlest things now days.."Lizzy said as she loomed away from the camera,her teeth chewing down on her lip as she fiddled with her own fingers.

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