Chapter Two: Operation Unwind

Start from the beginning

Who knows how long that will be.

We are just barely in camp, we haven't even seen action yet.

"Hm...I'm smart enough to know that you look very frustrated.-" The suggestive tone didn't go unnoticed by me. "-I can help with that if you'd like." his hand grasps my knee tighter, but before I could push it off someone clears their throat.

"Stop yer' slackin and give me 30 pushups!" Aldo's commanding octave sent my knee back into bouncing, I feel like I've gone insane. I'm supposed to be making people feel like this! Not the other way around!

Perhaps this is the reaction I have to someone who matched my energy, unapologetic to the people around them. They didn't answer to anyone and they held themselves high for good reason. Only difference is my attitude masks vulnerability.

Wiki rolls his eyes muttering about how much of a cockblock he is and went back to his place with the others.

Aldo stood straight with his hands on his hips like a father would to a misbehaving child, he takes a long stare at me neither frowning nor smiling. Through the hardness of his gaze is intense.

"G'mornin', ya seem like you'll pounce." He took Wiki's place, but had this imposing air around him as if a wrong answer would earn me a paddling. That scrutinizing gaze taking me in like a eagle does to it's prey. It was as if he was daring me to tell him a fib.

I let out a big sigh, finally releasing the breath I had when Wiki placed his hand on my knee. I'm surrounded by handsome men and I'm torturing myself just being around them. My palm rests itself on my face gathering whatever energy left. Even though I lack the emotional capacity to be someone's other half, it didn't stop my hormones from wanting strong willed men. As much as I starve myself from it.

"Is it really that obvious?" In order to distract myself from the growing tension, I drag out my cigarette and shut my eyes pretending Aldo was Smith to get through it with my sass.

Oh god please- help me to not absolutely devour this man.

I felt a hand grasp the palm on my face, electricity sparks between my skin and his. An indescribable heat over took my body as he guides it away to take a peak at my eyes, his face closer than before with a small tilt of the lips. The way he styled his facial hair to just barely brush against his dimples, it left me breathless.

I've never felt so breathless before. I hated it. I hated it with every fiber of my being, it caused my life to fall apart. These feelings came with a heavy price. I withdrew immediately as if it burned me, it sure as hell was close to doing so.

My heart is pounding so loud in my ears, I rub my temples to sooth the feelings I'm experiencing. I need to focus. Quickly.

"Take the day off to unwind. I don't need the scoring captian wanted. I'd say he likes givin' ya' hell."  He is left tilting his head, retracting his hand right back at his side. He leaning back into the crates to how he was before, as if I hadn't just pull away from him so harshly.

He's just using this as an opportunity to investigate me. Don't start getting ideas (Y/n), men can never be trusted. Love is never free, I don't think my heart can take anymore abuse. Besides there is a million other men like him, all bravado and charm. The little voice in my head disagreed, there was nothing ordinary about him.

All I have to do is look at the scar on my back to remind myself absolutely no one can be trusted, no matter what they tell you. It's all lies.

Adventures Of A Reluctant Field MedicWhere stories live. Discover now