christmas movies

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"Hey Akaashi- what are you watching?" Bokuto asked, sitting on the floor by his boyfriend's feet.

"Just a hallmark movie- what, I like them!"

"They're all so boring though! The girl reunites with the guy, but he has a child who wins her over- but when she's about to stay, she has to go somewhere crazy!"

"That was good, how long have you been thinking about it?"

"December 13th."

"Wow, well what do you think we should watch?" Akaashi asked, handing him the remote.

Bokuto grinned and grabbed the remote, "I'm gonna need you to close your eyes- no peeking, and don't open them until i say so!" He ran out of their living room and all Akaashi heard was drawers opening and closing and Bokuto repeatedly 'whispering' fuck.

When he finally finished doing whatever it is he was doing and returned to the living room, Akaashi could feel his smile. He heard the buttons on the remote, and the swooshes and vooms of the tv icons. He also heard Bokuto giggle before lightly stomping his feet in excitement.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now!" He exclaimed.

"The Grinch?"

"What's wrong with the Grinch?"

"Nothing, I'm just shocked." Akaashi reassured before looking down at the rest of Bokuto's outfit. "Is the onesie necessary?"

"Oh Akaashi, it's always necessary- plus i got one of my grinch sweaters for you to wear!"

"You didn't have to do that, I'm perfectly fine in this t-shirt."

"My t-shirt."

Akaashi smiled, "Insignificant details."

"Plus you're shivering!"

"I have a blanket!" He objected.

"Akaashi," Bokuto deadpanned. "We all know blankets barely do anything."

"Okay." Bokuto handed him the sweater, and when he put it on, it almost completely engulfed him. He felt warmer, and safer.

"Ok ok- the movies starting!"

Throughout the movie they subtly moved closer and closer, to the point where Bokuto was loosely draped across Akaashi's lap. Akaashi, on the other hand, was asleep. How? No one knows; really, Bokuto snores like crazy. Somehow Bokuto didn't notice. He woke up ten minutes to the end of the movie, because Bokuto let out a loud gasp.

"What happened?"

Bokuto gave him a weird look, "The Grinch's heart- it grew three sizes that day!"

"Why are you shocked, haven't you seen this like a million times?"

"Well yeah, but it's the principle!" Bokuto told him, rolling onto his back.

"The principle of what?"

"I don't know- surprise?"

Akaashi gave him a smile and flopped over, sandwiching Bokuto.


"What's the next movie?"

"A classic," Bokuto shrugged. Akaashi lifted an eyebrow. "Oh- Rudolf!"

They ended up switching spots about halfway through the movie because Bokuto was worried that he was going to cut the circulation in Akaashi's legs. Not even ten minutes later they were sound asleep covered in christmas blankets. Rudolf ended up playing three times before Bokuto woke up. He picked Akaashi up to carry him to their room, because surely his lap wasn't as comfortable as the bed.

He laid him down and pulled the covers up, but when he tried to leave the room to make some food, Akaashi reached out to latch onto his sleeve. And for some reason Bokuto, the 6'2 pro volleyball player, lost his balance and flopped into the bed. He ended up falling asleep right after Akaashi rolled over into his arms.



i'm pretty sure y'all already know how late this is lol but heyyy

can y'all believe this book has 800+ reads- wft thank y'all so much!!!

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