MoMo: The Missouri Monster

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If your a cryptid nerd like me whenever you think MoMo you think of the large 7 foot hairy sasquatch like beast that terrorized the town of Louisiana. In 1971 the first MoMo sighting was reported by Joan Mills and Mary Ryan near the Missouri river. The two women were out having a picnic when they smelt a horrid smell coming from the forest one of the women spotted a large hairy man in the nearby thicket. MoMo chased them to there car and tried to get in it when they honked there horn at it it ran off into the woods. But this wouldn't be the last MoMo sighting in 1972 3 children had said they seen a monster about 7 feet tall. They said the creature was covered in blood and had a dead dog under its arm. Dogs are apparently MoMos favorite meal this caused many people to start keeping there dogs locked up inside. MoMo caused tourist and monster hunters to vist the small town in Missouri. But as quickly as MoMo arrived he would disappear as winter came along MoMo sightings had stopped. Now one of the reasons I wanted to talk about MoMo is because he is one of those cryptids that has been lost in time. No one in Louisiana Missouri talks about him anymore like everyone just forgot. so Im trying to bring MoMo back into the publics eye because he is one of my favorite cryptids and he doesn't get enough credit. Lyle Blackburn one of my favorite cryptozoologist wrote a book and a movie about MoMo and I highly recommend them. The movie is available free on Tubi and you can order the book at


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