Indrid Cold

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It was a late night on November 2 1966 Woodrow Derenberger was driving home. He looked behind him a noticed a car trying to get passed him. When the car passed he noticed what was behind him. It was a large vehicle according to Derenberger "This object was between a real dark grey and black. I would call it a charcoal color. It glistened in my headlights. When it stopped me, my headlights were shining directly on it." A man stepped out. He was six feet tall with dark brown hair and wearing a dark blue coat but the most distinguished feature was his grin. The man walked up to Derenberger and spoke to him but he didn't use words he spoke to Derenberger telepathically. "Don't be afraid" the man said "I wish no harm only happiness" but Derenberger was afraid. "Can you tell me about those lights in that direction" he said. He didn't point but Derenberger knew where he meant. "Parkersburg it's a city" Derenberger. "Do all the people live there" "no they live all over" "where we come from that's called a gathering". The man told Derenberger to report the interaction with his local authorities. Before he left he told Derenberger he would return Derenberger asked his name, Cold he said.
When Derenberger returned home he told his kids to go to bed and told his wife what happened, they did what cold said and called the police. They told Derenberger that he wasn't insane and that there had been 3 other reports of the same thing.

Derenberger would be visited by cold many more times. Sometimes cold would appear on Derenberger's front door. He also revealed to Derenberger that his first name was indrid. Derenberger also claimed that he went on indrid colds spaceship and visited his home planet called lanulos. The people of lanulos where just like us they drove cars, went to work, ate, slept, and breathed, and even went to work. Except unlike humans the people of lanulos had an average lifespan 125 years old to 175 years old. There are also humans that have moved from earth to lanulos. Everyone in lanulos are very kind the people of lanulos don't know the feeling of hate. Derenberger would make many more trips to lanulos throughout his lifetime. In 1971 Derenberger wrote a book called visitors from lanulos. His daughter Taunia Derenberger would also write a book called
Visitors from lanulos. She is also coming out with a new book this September called 50 years with a man named cold. Woodrow Derenberger would sadly pass away on March 7 1990 at the age of 73. According to his daughter Indrid is still alive at the age of 100 and they still talk sometimes thru Facebook. He is now retired but he still makes trips to earth once in awhile and the people of West Virginia claim to still see the man known as Indrid Cold

 He is now retired but he still makes trips to earth once in awhile and the people of West Virginia claim to still see the man known as Indrid Cold

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                   Woodrow Derenberger

                                Indrid Cold

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                                Indrid Cold

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