chapter 20

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Gigi's POV

I'm still in disbelief about what I did just moments ago. I didn't believe myself capable of doing such a thing, until now, especially to Crystal. Oh, poor Crystal, I've surely broken her little heart into a million pieces. Wow, you dumb, Gigi. If before you were the last person she wanted to talk to, she surely hates you. Much. So much so that she must probably be throwing darts at a picture of you taped to her wall right now. You are so stupid. You couldn't have a good relationship for once without ruining it, could you? You ruin everything. How come a girl as cute and sweet as her ended up with a disaster like you?

''SHUT UP! Please...'' I yelled, in tears, trying to shut up the voices. Right in that very moment, I realized I was all alone in my cottage bedroom. Fuck, it's just been some hours without Crystal by my side, and I'm already going insane.

I need to do something to change that, and I need to do it now. But, what to do? Think quick, Gigi! I stood up from bed, and leaned against my door, as I played with my long nails. I glanced around the room, desperate for inspiration; everything here reminded me of her: drawings of me she made on our last secret date, poems, those little sweets we shared the other day... Oh, shit. I just realized she has made me so many nice gifts and I haven't given her anything! Heck, not even my virginity... Well, if there's a perfect moment to show Crystal how much I care, love and respect her, it's now. Especially  when the possibility that she forgives me comes into play.

But, what to give her? Mm, it has to be something that not only mends the huge mistake I've made, but also is symbolic and special; something that she can treasure forever. Let's see... what are some of the things I like most about Crystal: oh God, it's so hard to choose! I love every single thing about her; but I do adore her name, she knows it. It's such a cute and quirky name, Crystal, and it just suits her well. Hey, that's it! I'll give her a crystal! I know there's a market nearby; plus, even if it was far, I'd still go there. Just for her.

I quickly got changed and fixed my appearance, grabbed my bag, and walked through the door, excitedly. My bliss didn't last for long when I met Mr. Dankworth in the hallway. Oh, fuck: I hate him. I hate him so much. But he's still my teacher, and one wrong move and I could end up in a worse situation than the one I am right now.

''Oh, hi... Um, Mr. Dankworth?'' I tapped on his shoulder, making him turn around.

''Oh, hello Genevieve. What do you need now? Permission to fornicate?'' He sarcastically said.

''No, um... I wanted to ask you someth-...'' I shyly began, trying to be as respectful as possible.

''Where's that one you're always with?'' He interrupted me.

''Excuse me?''

''Oh, you know, that inseparable friend of yours who's always wearing neon makeup and tacky clothes. Your only friend, I believe.''

It was unbelievable: not only was I treated like crap at home, but also at school. And the only person who gave me courage lately was Crystal, and now that she wasn't around, I felt so weak...

''Mr. Dankworth, I wanted to ask you for permission to go to the market that's just around the block.'' I said, going straight to the point, and trying my very best to hold in the tears.

''Sure, but... um, Plastique's got to join you.'' He said, pulling Plastique, who was just casually passing by, towards where we were.

The whole time we were at the market was awkward. Awfully awkward. Plastique and I hadn't talked since the incident at my cottage, and I would've liked to keep it that way, but, oh well, at least I was at the market, buying something for my girlfriend. It was better than nothing.

''So... Gigi, can you remind me why are we here exactly?'' Plastique asked awkwardly.

''Oh, well, I wanted to buy something for Crystal.''

''Oh, right... cuz she's your girlfriend.'' Plastique struggled to say that last word, as if she still couldn't believe we were dating.

''Yeah, we had a small fight and I'm trying to find something to give to her that can mend it.'' I chuckled, as I got closer to the counter were the crystals were.

''Oh, please, Gigi. Please tell me you're not going to give her a crystal, that's literally the tackiest gift ever. You should give her white gold hoops like mine.'' Plastique said, showing off her huge, expensive earrings to me. We go way back with those earrings: they were the last pair at a boutique Plastique and I used to go to, and I told her I wanted them. I saved money for over a year, and when I told her I had finally manage to gather enough money to buy them, she told me to not even bother going to the boutique to claim them because she had already bought them first. It may sound ridiculous, but that was the beginning of when I became suspicious of her ''friendship''.

''Well, they do say the bigger the hoops, the bigger the whore. Plus, they're not her style anyway.'' I said, trying to hide the fact that I was down, and making Plastique frown.

After half an hour of searching, I found the perfect one: it was a beautiful string necklace with a faux amethyst pendant. I immediately bought it, and returned to the cottages along with Plastique, she returned to hers and I to mine. I couldn't wait to give my gift to Crystal!


Crystal's POV

I was lying in bed, in the middle of my melancholy, when I heard a knock on the door. I wanted to take my eyes out, thinking I'd have to look at Mr. Dankworth's disgusting face, but instead, found someone else standing at the door. Someone I love a lot. Someone I had missed so much. Someone that hopefully still loves me a lot, and has missed me so much.

''Hey, Gigi...'' I awkwardly said, inviting her to come inside. Gigi sat on my bed and I did the same thing.

''Hey, Crys. I have something I want to say to you...''

''I'm all ears.'' I said, as Gigi took a folded paper out of her pocket, and cleared her throat.

''It's been hours, but it seems like days since you went away.

And all I do is check the screen to see if you're okay.

You don't answer when I phone, guess you want to be left alone.

So I'm sending you my heart my soul and this is what I'll say:

I'm sorry, oh so sorry. Can't you give me one more chance to make it all up to you.

E-mail my heart and say our love will never die

I know you're out there and I know that you still care

E-mail me back and say our love will stay alive

Forever, E-mail my heart'' Gigi said, and a small tear slid through her cheek and wet the paper when she finished. Then, she offered me the box she had in her hands when she entered.

I opened it, and found a beautiful string necklace with an amethyst crystal pendant hanging from it.

''A beautiful crystal for my beautiful Crystal...'' She said, as she put the necklace around my neck.

''Sorry for acting like such a loser, Crys... Coming up here was genuinely a challenge itself, I thought you wouldn't even want to see my face ever again, and you'd slam the door in my face. But I'm glad that... you didn't.'' she chuckled.

''I love you, Gigi. I want you forever and a night. It's okay if we fight sometimes, but we always have to make sure to make up...'' I said, with my voice starting to crack.

''I don't want to lose you, Crys...'' Gigi mumbled without strength, as she wrapped her arms around my neck, and pushed me down on the bed.

''I don't want to lose you either, Geeg.'' I hugged her tightly. Soon, we were just a crying, weeping mess. And I love that we were.

Author's Note:

FINALLY a chapter with a happy ending MY GOSH i was missing these two being happy together just as much as you were x ALSO thank you so so much for 1K !! it's a huge milestone i NEVER EVER thought i could reach. when i started this book, i didn't even think more than 10 people would read it, let alone like it but it makes me so so happy to see that you enjoy the shit i write !! thank you so much love you xo -d

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