Staying Over Wasn't the Plan (But I'm Glad You Did)

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The power was out, my apartment was nearing 30 degrees and my (ex?) boyfriend had left just a few hours before, after an argument had led to a breaking point. I'd say that I was in a royally fucked up situation. 

I walk to every one of my apartment windows, pushing down on them in hopes to seal them tighter. It was no use though, I could practically feel the frigid air seeping through the gaps. I could hear the wind whipping and the freezing rain starting up again, on top of the nine inches of snow we've already gotten, and I couldn't help but groan. All I wanted was to be wrapped up in my boyfriend's arms, piles of blankets over us in attempt to stay warm. But he wasn't here and I was far from warm. 

When I've given up on the windows, I walk into my bedroom and search for my fluffiest clothing. In record time, I've thrown on my fleece sweatpants and my cozy socks, hesitating only slightly before pulling on one of Ricky's sweatshirts that he had left in my room. I didn't want the reminder of him telling me that I had a problem with "refraining from flirting with other men" but I was freezing, he wasn't here, and our relationship was so unsteady that I didn't really want to give it much thought. 

I put my head in my hands and groan. I should never have brought up Ricky's friendly co worker when we had gotten home from his office party, but my jealousy got the best of me and he got so upset, so fast. We spiraled out of control quicker than either of us could've imagined. I let a few tears fall as I recall how hurt he seemed when I asked him to leave and I collapse back onto the bed when I remember how he told me that we needed to take a break from each other. This definitely wasn't how I planned for my winter break to go. 


I don't realize that I've fallen asleep until I'm jolted awake by a light knock on my apartment door. I check the clock to see that it's barely 9 pm, and I sigh when I feel the frigid air still surrounding me, my power still not back on. I pull a blanket over my shoulders before making my way to my front door. 

I stare blankly when I open the door to see a soaking wet Ricky, shivering slightly with blood shot eyes. "Ni-" I cut him off before he has the chance to speak. "What type of break is this?" I ask unhappily and he frowns, stepping towards me a little. "You told me that if I ever needed something I could come to you. And my car broke down outside of a bar a few blocks away. I can't get home and there's easily a foot of snow and-" I cut him off, pulling on his wrist so that he could enter my apartment. "It's not much warmer in here, my power's been out since you left. But you have a couple days worth of clothes in my closet so why don't you go change." I urge him quietly and he takes off his coat, hanging it on my coat rack. "Thank you Nini." He says, trying to make eye contact with me. I look at the ground and nod. He doesn't make a move to leave the room though and I clear my throat. "My bedroom is the warmest area in this place so if you could..." Ricky nods and shoves his hands in his pockets. "I'll be right there." He mumbles, walking towards my room without another word. 

Ricky comes out back into the living room after a few moments, wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt that he must've found somewhere within all of my clothes. His hair was mostly dry and his face looked clearer than before. 

"I don't want to bother you or anything, so do you mind if I just crash here on the couch?" He asks and I look at him incredulously. "Ricky it's like 30 degrees in here. Don't be ridiculous, you can share the bedroom with me." I say quietly, getting up from the couch myself and wrapping my fluffy blanket tightly around my body. "Are you sure?" He asks and I give him a small nod. "I'm positive. I'm not gonna let you freeze out here." I say and his eyes lighten, his lips twitching upwards into a small smile. "Thank you" he says and I hear him begin to follow me as I make my way into my room. 

I slip into the sheets of the bed immediately and Ricky reaches for the blanket that I laid on top of the comforter. "Can I use this?" He asks and I push myself up onto my elbows. "I mean sure but why?" I ask and he flushes a little. "I'm making a makeshift bed on the carpet." He explains and I push myself up completely so that I'm sitting cross legged in the bed. "Are you that uncomfortable around me? You can't sleep in the bed?" I ask and he opens and closes his mouth. "Of course I'm not uncomfortable around you, I just don't want to make things worse." He explains and I shrug, watching as he pulls back the sheets on the other side of the bed and slips in. My knee touches his leg and that slightest bit of contact makes my heart race. I feel his eyes on me and he lifts a hand, moving to grasp my knee. He squeezes it gently before rubbing his thumb back and forth. I close my eyes and as I do so, I feel him press a kiss to my shoulder. "We'll figure this out." He mumbles against my (his) sweatshirt. Taking a deep breath, I mutter an "I know" and slip under the covers so that I'm laying down. I feel him do the same. 

Our slow breathing is all that can be heard throughout the bedroom, until he speaks quietly. "I didn't mean to get so upset earlier Nins." I open my eyes and pull my hands to my chest. "I said a lot of shit that I shouldn't have. You didn't deserve to hear any of that bullshit." I'm not sure I trust myself to open my mouth without crying and Ricky takes my silence as an invitation to turn over onto his side and face me. "I love you so much and I should never have reacted that way to just a little jealousy of yours." I nod and squeeze my eyes shut. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have been so obnoxious and accusative. You didn't do anything to deserve that." I whisper hoarsely and I feel a hand of his move to my thigh, rubbing it gently. "Relationships are hard as fuck, we're just learning." He promises me and I take a shuddery breath. "We almost broke up though. You said that we needed a break. That's a pain that I never-" he cuts me off and scoots closer to me. "I would've been back. You know it. If it weren't for this damn snow storm I'd be at your front door tomorrow morning with a bouquet of flowers and a better apology. I wouldn't leave this relationship without fighting for you with every part of me." I turn onto my side and Ricky's hand finds my hip, squeezing repeatedly. "I love you. Nothing will change that. Not some overly flirtatious co worker, not even a damn blizzard. I'm staying right here baby." A single tear falls out of the corner of my eyes and Ricky catches it immediately, breathing in deeply when I burrow myself closer into his warm body. "I love you too Ricky. I'm sorry about today." He rests his head against mine and I tangle our legs together, basking in the warm that I had been so desperately craving all night. "That's okay baby, we're learning. And it seems like Mother Nature was on our side so everything's gonna be just fine." I can't help but laugh and I snake my arms around his torso. "I'm so glad you're here with me right now." 


Hmm not sure about this one, but we'll see what ya'll think haha! Number 9 done!

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