Chapter 7

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The door had been open for a while, so they assumed that it was safe to go inside, as long as they kept their shirts over their mouths and noses, and tried not to breathe.

After they had managed to drag everybody out, they went back in to get some water.   Wet and soaking, Madelin woke up spluttering and yelling death threats, until she saw who woke her, and thereafter obediently shut up, glaring. With Rihanna it went a bit smoother, but the glaring wasn't excluded. "Great" She muttered under her breath.

Being splashed with water is not the most pleasant way to wake up, especially after a gas attack, so they decided to spare Olivia, and sacrifice themselves to do all the hard work.

Madelin was ticked off.

"So let me get this straight, we dialed the cell number of our friend, and sleep gas came out of Ramona's phone, then while most of us were unconscious, they kidnapped Ramona, who just happens to be the girlfriend of the queen, who yields no political power, who also happened to be the friend who we just called, and is in trouble because of explosions, and the TARDIS phone booth is gone. Am I correct?" Madelin looked around at the approving nods of her friends. She swore under her breath. After everyone had gotten up to start cleaning up the mess in the back room, Pine stopped Madelin from doing the same. "Madelin?" Pine said gently. "You're a sorceress, right?" Madelin looked up and sighed. "Was. I was a sorceress." 

Pine sat down next to her. "We need someone with strong magic. If they got their hands on sleep gas, from the royal defense, and managed to kidnap Ramona, then we're dealing with something powerful. We need someone powerful to counter it." Madelin turned away. "Why a sorcerer?" "Because they have magic, and they only need one person to manage it. I mean, do you think we can fit an army in this RV?" Madelin looked behind her at the scratched up RV.     "We could just leave the RV behind." "Then we're letting them escape." "Then we're letting us retaliate." "But we can retaliate now!" Pine stood up.  "Please Madelin. We need a sorcerer!" Madelin sighed, and got up. "We don't even know what we're dealing with." "But we'll deal with it better with something strong on our side!" Madelin spun around to face him. "Fine!" She spat. "I know one. But don't blame me if she stabs you in the back." She walked towards the RV. "Head to New Mexico!" She yelled, leaving Pine with a quizzical look on his face.

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