"What were you on your way to do before you died?".

   "I was on my way to a dance audition.".

He nodded. "Then it haves to do something with that.".

   "How long do you think it will take until-", she got interrupted by a jolt hurting her chest.

   "That long, are you okay?", he asked her concerned.

She nodded. "We gotta warn the guys about Caleb.".

   "Yeah, let's go.".

Violet and Willie poofed from the streets.

   At Julie's house, Nick were walking up to the door and knocked on it. After some seconds, Julie opened and smiled at she saw Nick. "Nick, hi.", she said.

   "Hey, I have been told to give you this.", he said and handed her the letter.

   "Oh, who is it from?", she asked as she grabbed it.

   "I really don't remember, many things have been pretty much a blur for me recently.".

   "A blur? You don't remember things?".

   "The last thing I remember was that I stood here outside your door, holding flowers, taking you out on our first date.".

   Julie widened her eyes shocked. "But that was a week ago, why do you think that is?".

   "I have no idea, I don't feel sick or anything... my head just hurts a bit.".

   "Have something been happening to you?".

   "Not what I remember.", he shook his head.

   "Maybe you should go and see a doctor.".

Nick nodded. "Yeah, I can ask my mother about it since she is a doctor.".

   "Okay, but thanks for stopping by. I will read this.", she smiled and he smiled back. "I will see you at school tomorrow, right?".

   "Right, I'll see you then.", he said before walking from her house and she closed the door.

Julie looked at the letter as she went upstairs to her room. Nick was on his way back home and Caleb appeared in front of him, but he didn't see him. Caleb tried to get himself back into Nick's body but it didn't work, he got shocks by it. He looked confused at him.

   "Why can't I go in you?", he asked himself as Nick walked through him. "You can't even see me, can you? What is going on? My powers... they are gone.".

   Caleb looked at his hands with anger, then poofed away.

In the garage, Violet and Willie appeared and Luke, Alex and Reggie looked at them surprised. Alex walked closer towards them, looking concerned. "What are you guys doing here?".

   "There's something we have to tell you.", Willie said. "Do you remember when you told me that Nick saw you?". Alex nodded to answer him.

   "It's Caleb.", Violet said. "He went into Nick's body and controlled him.".

   "You know Caleb?", Luke asked as he approached them.

   "He's my uncle.", she looked at Luke and all of the guys looked shocked. "He died when I was eleven years old, and today I met him once again. And... and he told me what he have been doing, the reason to why you haven't got that much time with Julie is because that Caleb in Nick's body have been with her, so you would reconsider joining him.".

   "Of course he still wants that, but we won't.".

   "I know you won't, but that was his plan. He can try to get back into Nick's body to get back onto his plan, he just went out to see me.".

Julie And The Phantoms - season 2Where stories live. Discover now