11. Yunho's Clemency

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Aaaand the last one! So after this I will start with my new Jongsang Steampunk AU and since I have holidays now, I will give you the Tikki one shot within a few days ^^ I hope you enjoyed this series of backstories lots!

TW: Blood and Gore, Betrayal


"Yunho! Ye ain't done with cookin' yet?! Them mateys hunger!"

Yunho exasperatedly threw his hair back to have it out of the way to look at the caller. One of his crew members stood outside of the chicken coop that Yunho was kneeling in. He had crossed his arms, and a raised a brow dissatisfiedly. It was the bosun's footboy, an annoying lad that made too much of a deal out of his position when he was not that important at all.

"Why be ye askin' me, the chief be in the galley an' still at work." Yunho rolled his eyes at the boy's antics. That kid had been aboard the ship not even for two months, and their bosun fancied bedding him, but that was all the worth he had. As such, he was not careful enough with the orders he threw around.

"Ye be the one grabbin' cackle fruit down 'ere instead o' doin' yer work! Cap told me to relay a black spot if ye ain't finishin' soon!" The kid stuck out his tongue at Yunho in a childish manner. Usually, he would play along and make sure that both of them walked out of the storage hold with a good mood, but Yunho was already tense. He had been trying to catch one of the chickens for a good deal of ten minutes now, and the stench of the livestock down in the watery ship belly made his eyes tear.

He had little patience for criticism, especially from an arrogant kid.

"Yer 'ungry, ain't ye?" Yunho shook some sticky hair from his forehead. The sun was transforming the ship into a mobile oven, and Yunho was drenched from running around all day. He wanted to bind his locks together, but since his hands were dirty from hunting the chickens and he had taken a bath just four days ago he did not want to mess them up.

The lad nodded with his eyes wide.

"Then why do ye nay take o'er 'ere? Once ye caught the bright one ye can just bring it to the galley. Then we be done sooner."

At the sly proposition, the boy first narrowed his eyes. As if he had to check whether he was being hornswoggled at the moment, he took his time to look Yunho up and down warily.

Yunho waited impatiently while drops of sweat crept down his back and tickled him in the process.

"Savvy. But 'urry since the cap be 'ungry, too."

With a quick nod, Yunho sprung out of the cramped coop. His long legs protested at the sudden stretch after sitting crouched for so long, but he audibly let go of a breath. He left the far smaller kid to run around like an addlepate while the chickens squawked indignantly at him. On his way back to the kitchen, he wiped his hands with a rag and fixed his hair. The suffering under the heat would not cease anytime soon, but at least Yunho could go back to the galley that was less stuffy.

He greeted his mates left and right as he quickly returned to his post. No need to get called out another time for crimes he did not commit. Sometimes, the tension and useless dilemmas that came with the pirate life tended to drive Yunho to the brink of his endurance.

Back in the galley where his own reign was, he was more at ease. Being part of a large ship with over forty crew mates meant work at any times of the day, and even if Yunho did not exactly consider his fellow cooks as friends, they at least understood. Pirates ate a lot and working with provisions out at sea while illnesses like scurvy were man's greatest fear was a worry they all shared. Within the safety of the galley, no one dared to go around with their nose in the air.

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