Chapter 6

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The school day passed by slowly, with Alya questioning Marinette about who she was texting and Marinette telling her it was just a friend. (Remember this line anybody?) When Marinette looked around the room to find a way to distract Alya, her eyes landed on Adrien, his aura was the exact same as Chat Noir's, her new partner, plus there weren't that many with the same personality.

From simple deductions, it was quite obvious that Adrien was Chat Noir. It was hilarious that nobody else realized it. Then again, magic. She would tell Jon about her discovery later, she decided. The day went on and nothing really happened until lunch.

Chloe had decided that it was a good idea to taunt Ivan about his akumamisation (am I saying it right) and Ivan seemed to be very upset about it. Well time to comfort a sad sole, the thing she was most terrible at. (I forgot what she said to Ivan so time skip) "Why is consoling people so harddddd."

Marinette was currently sitting next to Jon a park bench and complaining about her job as Ladybug, she had her head on Jon's shoulder and was also trying to block out all the auras she was sensing, really she couldn't even relax and not sense any auras. Her powers were quite annoying sometimes.

"You okay Em?"

"I'm fine, no need to stress over it. But also, Em? Really?"

"What, everyone of my friends get a nickname, so?"

"Nothing, it's just Jason used to call me that, plus I was kinda getting used to the name Marinette."

"Anyways, how's your school going."

"Tough, there's a girl called Alya who is convinced that I have a crush on model boy and that she's my best friend."

"I pity you."

"Oh shush."

"Nope." Marinette stuck her tongue out at him childishly and he grinned. He was extremely cute now that she thought about it. She had to fight the urge to blush when he smile warmly at her. They talked for a few minutes before they were interrupted by a scream. Instinctively, both of them jumped up from their seats.

"What was that?"

"I don't know, come on, we have to go check it out." Following Jon who seemed to know where he was going, they arrived at the spot where the scream had come from. It was a exact replica of the akuma that had occurred the previous day. The only difference between the two was that this one was standing still without any sign of movement.

"Come on, I have to use my powers in a little less crowded place. Could you bring me up to that roof?" She pulled Jon over to a alleyway (So many alleyways in this story.) and Jon picked her up and brought her up to the roof. She stood near the edge of the roof so she wouldn't be seen and used her powers to find out who the statue was (That sounds kinda weird).

"I can't tell who it is but it seems to be a woman, I kind of recognize her aura from earlier."

 "Do you know what happened?"

" No, but my kwami might. I'll explain later, come on. "

Note: Hello childs, I have decided I'll call you that until I come up with a better name. It is 2:00 am right now and I am damn tired. Sodry bout the late update. Writing at 1:00 am is tiring. Eventually I'll put a video you guys can watch over and over again while waiting for me to update.

I am using a terrible tablet. 

Bye y 'all.


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