Chapter 20

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Soon after Lila's downfall, everything was back to how it was before Hawkmoth came along, other than a few differences. First of all, everyone in Paris received mandatory therapy due to the various experiences people had gone through while Hawkmoth was still at large.

Secondly, after being contacted by the bat kids, she finally met Bruce Wayne and Alfred, the former who, after seeing her, asked if she was an orphan and looked like he was planning something when she told him she was adopted already.

Speaking of being adopted, Emilia had told her family about her story and about her being a meta. They were surprisingly calm about it and agreed to share legal guardianship with Bruce. The plan was that she would finish her studies in Paris before moving back to Gotham to live.

Since Lila was gone, there was no real reason to keep the Lila Hate Club around, especially since its only purpose was bitching about Lila and her lies. So, the LHC was disbanded, but the members still stuck around, becoming a friend group instead.

Emilia had spent time with the bats and her brother on the weekends and spent the rest of her time with Jon or her friends for the remainder of the time the bat-fam stayed in Paris. After her brother left, he still visited using the zeta tubes occasionally but she saw him less often.

Time passed by quickly and soon a few years had passed. Jon and Emilia's relationship was still going strong and they knew each other extremely well. Emilia was also closer to her adoptive family and sister, as well as the rest of her friend group.

Many incidents happened over the years, Emilia had visited Gotham and Metropolis a few times and had met Jon's family and the rest of the bats. Lois had adored her and scolded Jon for not introducing them sooner, ignoring Jon's flustered face.

As per the agreement, after finishing her proper schooling, although Emilia had skipped a few grades due to her smarts, she moved back to Gotham. She mainly went back to Paris to visit her friends and family, but they sometimes also went to Gotham which led them to a few situations.

She and Bridgette's clothing brand had been going well too, both gaining many famous supporters, Bruce being one of them of course. She had moved out of the manor when she turned 20, feeling that she was too old to be living under someone else's roof.

Emilia's life was going extremely well, too well in fact. So, when Jon burst into her apartment/studio one day, looked at her outfit, a simple dress with flower patterns that was pretty formal, and pulled her along with him, being gentle as always, she panicked.

"Jon? What's wrong? Did something happen?" When Jon didn't respond, she decided to check his emotions, which were a mess. However, the biggest feeling that she could feel was nervousness. Jon was hardly ever nervous so she grew concerned about what had happened.

Much to her surprise, Jon dragged her toward the cafe where they first started dating. They entered the shop and the barista smiled at them kindly, "What would you like to get?"

Emilia finally let herself calm a little. If the situation was dire, then Jon would not have brought her to a place where they had fond memories, it just wasn't like him. Thus, instead of panicking, she allowed herself to remain calm and sat down at a table as Jon ordered.

By the time Jon returned with their food, Emilia had realised that Jon had 'kidnapped' her for a surprise date. Knowing Jon, he would've caved in and told her what was happening the minute he saw her, so his silence about the meaning of the surprise date was a mystery to her.

"Jon? If you wanted to take me on a date you could've just asked. You didn't need to go through all this trouble."

"I wanted to make this date a little more special."

"Why? What's the occasion?"

"You'll know soon Em. Let's eat our cakes first, shall we?

After that, Jon refused to answer her questions, either diverting the conversation or showing her small signs of affection that left her slightly flustered. Once they were finished eating and exited the store, Jon picked her up bridal style, leaving her even more embarrassed.

"Jonnnnnnn, where are we even going?"

"You'll find out soon Em, be patient."

"You know I can't wait."

"Yes I know, that's why we're leaving now."

With that, Jon walked into an alley and took off flying, all with her still in his arms. Not even a few minutes later, they landed in a field of colourful flowers, a picnic blanket laying out in the middle of said field, covered in petals.

"Jon? What's this?"

"You'll find out in a moment Em, just come here."

Although Emilia was frustrated from not receiving an answer, she nevertheless sat down next to Jon on the picnic mat. The sky was turning a beautiful shade of pink as the sun slowly set, since it had been early afternoon when they left, they must have been in a different part of the world.

At first, she was jealous of the fact that Jon could visit any place in the world without needing any preparations beforehand, but after she and Jon started dating, she realised that he would have brought her anywhere in the world if she had asked.

That was one of the many reasons why she loved Jon, he was incredibly sweet and caring towards her, even before they started dating. He was a golden retriever personified and Emilia thought he was adorable.

They sat in silence, simply enjoying each other's company as the sun set and the moon came into view. Then, as the star started glowing in the sky, Jon suddenly got up.

"Jon?" Emilia tilted her head as Jon turned around to face her, the moonlight shining on his face, making him look even more charming than ever.

"Emilia," Jon seemed hesitant as he spoke, "we've been dating for a few years now, and I wanted to tell you that I think that you are the most enchanting person I have ever met, you're smart, funny, cute and you care for the people close to you."

He paused his small speech, making eye contact with her as he took in her facial expressions, trying to identify what emotions were going through his beloved's mind. He understood that Emilia was getting more and more flustered and decided to continue, kneeling on one knee.

"I'll try and keep this short, but to me, Emilia, you are the most amazing person I have ever met and I am so lucky to be your boyfriend. So, to summarise, Emilia, will you marry m-"

"Yes." Emilia's answer cut him off, her face was a bright, crimson red as she stated her response, loud and clear. Jon felt his face heat up. Sure, Jason had already told him that Emilia would have said yes but to hear it from Emilia so confidently, Jon was sure he made the right choice.

Jon beamed, his joy so obvious and blinding that Emilia couldn't help but grin back. He swept her up, spinning her around so fast she got dizzy yet she did not care, filled with the euphoria of becoming engaged to her dearest lover.

Maybe they would face challenges ahead, maybe they wouldn't. Either way, both Emilia and Jon knew they would stick together until the end.

Note: Sorry I took such a long time to upload this chapter. Hope you enjoy it though :D. Also, this is the last chapter I'm writing before the epilogue but I am going to re-upload some chapters so I can fix some plot holes in the story. Thanks for sticking with me through this story, I really appreciate it.


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