It's Nice to have a Friend (3)

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*A few months later*

"I think we should all go Christmas tree shopping together.  We haven't done something other than hang at one of our houses for a while now." I walk backward to face the group on the way to school.  

"That would be fun, but who would we be buying the tree for? There's like, 4 different houses."

I smirk at Harry and give him eyes like he's stupid. "Well duh, captain obvious, we'd get one tree and swap houses every week." 

He throws his head back and laughs.  "So a communal tree? We'd all be tree sitters?"

I dart my eyes around until I focus in on his again and shrug my shoulders before turning back around to walk next to him. "Makes sense to me."

"I second that, but what if we made it a game?" Cameron's voice trails off in a whisper.

Weston immediately backs up her idea. "Ooh yes! We could sneak into each other's houses every weekend and kidnap the tree and put it in someone else's house."

We all laugh and I picture myself in a black ski mask and beanie with an evergreen flung over my shoulder. 

Sam's eyes light up.  "And, when you drop the tree in someone's house, you have to leave their gift under it!"

We all giggle and agree with the idea and finalize and time to go to the farm and pick out the tree together.  

When school got out I started walking to Brook's.  Harry and I were going there to study after school again.  It was pretty much part of our routine ever since the first day of school.  It's good because it gives me something to look forward to all day, and it's just really fun to be around him alone sometimes.  I always get alone time with Cammy, I'm not the closest to the twins but sometimes when Cammy and Weston are hanging out Sam and I will talk for a little bit, but I don't know, whenever I'm with Harry I'm just constantly reminded of why I'm still here.  The thought of not hearing his laugh, or having to go without one of his hugs for an extended period of time just gives me a pit in my stomach. 

Harry had to meet up with a teacher today for a few minutes after school which is why I started walking ahead of him so I could order our food and drinks.  All of a sudden, as I opened the door to enter Brook's, I felt a pang of anxiousness hit my stomach.  For some reason, the thought of having to go up to the counter alone and order food was making me hyperventilate.  I ran out the door and heard the bells jingle fantly as I darted to the side of the building and sat in a mound of snow.  I could feel wet tears freezing on my face as I tried to catch my breath, and as I wiped the foggy, mascara-filled tears out of my eyes I heard quick footsteps coming towards me and someone calling my name. 

"Ror? Ror what happened! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Before I could even comprehend who was calling my name, Harry was in front of me, holding my hands; his eyes searching frantically to find an answer in my facial expressions.  

I could barely get a word out, which he took note of, and began taking deep breathes and nodding his head, trying to get me to replicate his breathing patterns.  I followed them as best I could, and although I was still shaken up from whatever that was, I became calm enough to get a few words out.  

"I was just, I went in, you know, to order, and all of a sudden I started freaking out and I ended up out here, but then you got here, and I'm sorry I didn't get us a table we might have to sit at a different one than our usual one, and I think the lines a lot longer now but I can't tell-

Harry stares at me in disbelief. "Hey Ror? Don't even start to think I'm upset at all about our table, right now the only thing I'm concerned about is you. Has that ever happened before?" His eyes filled with a sense of sympathy. 

"Urm, no, it hasn't.  I really don't know what that was it was just so random, I'm fine though really don't worry about me."

"Ror? This isn't gonna work this time.  You don't get to just sit here and make little of everything you're going through mentally, because you deserve better.  You need to treat yourself better before you start worrying about other people. Why don't we just walk back to my house for now, we'll study there, then if you feel like something's happening again I can help you and you won't be in a public place."

I just nod, and Harry stands up and pulls me up after him.  He gives me one of his famous hugs before looking me in the eyes for a moment, and then brushing my hair behind my face. If I wasn't already pink because of the cold, you'd definitely be able to tell I blushed; I don't know why though, he was simply moving the hair out of my face. 

We started the short walk back to Harry's house where he insisted on carrying both my backpack and his own.  Once we walked inside, we handed me a washcloth and told me to go clean up my face while he made some hot tea.  I didn't want to argue, knowing he would be too stubborn, so I just went into the bathroom and began scrubbing1 the smudged mascara off my cheeks.  As I stared at myself in the mirror, I began to feel self-conscious of what I looked like without any of my makeup on.  It's not like I hadn't been around Harry without makeup on before, I just felt... weird. But then again, most everything has been feeling weird lately. 

I finally walked out of the bathroom to see Harry stirring some cream and sugar into two ceramic mugs. I walked over to the table where he had placed our backpacks and began searching for my textbooks.  Harry glanced over and frowned. 

"Um, Ror, do you think it's ok if we just talk a bit? Just while we drink our tea, then I promise we can start on some homework."  I smile lightly and nod, although a little bit confused considering he's usually the one to get us back on track with our work. I close up the heavy textbook and push it to the side as he brings over tea and snacks.  The conversation flowing immediately, and after a few hours of nearly constant laughter, we began our work, yet I found a part of my brain thanking myself for that moment at the cafe, because it had brought me here.


HI GUYS! If you're reading this I really hope you had a great day and you're enjoying the story so far.  Over Christmas break I'll either write a TON or like not at all LOL!

Also, I'm not a very good writer when it comes to grammar and sh*t, so don't attack me but feel free to tell me if something like doesn't make sense HAHA

Either way, I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season, whatever you celebrate.  My goal is to be at 50 reads by the end of January, so if you want, share this story and tell your friends! 

Love you guys and just know if you're ever struggling with anything MESSAGE ME! I love love love talking to people (:

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