"Blair, Rach wait? Where are you going?" Serena asked. Blair left in the car while I stayed. "Why are you so mad at me?"

"Why are we mad at you?" You mean why aren't we furious at you?" I shout at her. "I can't believe that for a second we thought it would be different this time!"

" What would be different?" she asked.

"You couldn't deal with spotlight shining on B for once, could you?"

"What are you talking about? I thought we were doing this together, her and I. What ? Did she not get my message?"

" What about this morning then? When you glanced at the call sheet, did you see her name on it? When she wasn't there in hair and makeup, didn't it seem strange? When the dressing room had only your name on it, you think they just forgot?" I yelled at her.

"I was told she was running late and they asked me to do test shots first. Rach they told me she wanted me here."

"And you believed them?"

"Look, I encouraged Blair to do this. We both did. Why would I try to steal something that I pushed her to do."

"Because you take everything from us. Her boyfriend, our mother -" "Rachel-" "You can't even help it. It's who you are. I just thought, we just thought this time it would be different. We should have known we'd wrong."  I wiped the tears and walked away just to see Daniel, who saw my tears. " Just great!" I exclaimed, annoyed, and walked away from him too.


I was sitting in an isolated aisle, tears falling down my cheeks. I heard someone coming and looked up to see Humphrey. "Oh, Serena send you here to talk to me?"

"No, I actually came here myself. Believe it or not, I consider you as my friend, and I care about my friends." He said sliding down the wall, sitting in front of me.

" You know, Blair makes everything easy for, just to keep me happy. To keep me smiling. Even when our mother abandoned us, she was always there for me, never making me feel abandoned. And here I am, I can't seem to make her happy. Our mother doesn't help our situation at all." I ranted to him, letting few tears fall. 

He came closer and wiped my tears and held my face, "My mom left kind off left us a couple of months ago. Only my dad and sister don't really see that, because she told us she had to go away for the summer to follow her dream of being an artist. But, it's not summer anymore, and she's still up there, and it's all she seems to care about right now. Every time I go to see her, I tell myself 'This time, I am gonna tell her what I think. This time I am gonna look her in the eye and say," Either come home or leave for good." And so there I was, the other day, sitting across the table from her, looking in her eyes. And I didn't say anything." He confessed.

I looked at him in confusion, "Why not?"

"Uh... I don't know. But I wished I had, Because even if it didn't change anything, she would know how I felt." He said. 

I wiped my tears and hugged him.


After talking with Dan, I called B, and told her to talk to mother. She agreed and came back to the location and told mother how she felt. I told her about Dan and how helpful he was. Her and I went up the terrace where Dan was asking Serena out on a date.

"I think we can agree to those terms." B said as both of us walked towards them.

"But you can't wear those shoes. Or that hair." I said and all four of us laughed. "Now Humphrey, go away. It's time for us best friends." 

"Ouch! And here I thought we are best friends." He  said, laughing.

I genuinely smile at him. " Not yet. " We both smile at each other and he left.

I turned to Serena and Blair. "You two, talk." I told them and left the two of them to talk, and returned after a few minutes to see them hugging and joined them. " You know, I have an idea."


                                                                        (same dress, but in yellow)

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                                                                        (same dress, but in yellow)

I told them my plan and we ran to the studio and stole all of mother's dresses. we ran to the streets of Manhattan and had our own photoshoot.

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