A Looping of the Scales - Chapter 1 to 20 - Harry Potter FanFic.net

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He carefully opened the vial of tears held in his pale hand, the bubbling liquid reflected in his dark eyes, watching the surface becoming more and more sedate, the bubbling barely breaking. Yes. Now was the time.

He quickly added the tears with a flourish, stepping back as the liquid churned, turning a vivid and attractive royal blue before becoming smooth as blue glass.

"Yesssss!" he hissed. "Success!"

He quickly walked away from the cauldron to collect a wide-mouthed bottle and a ladle.

And that's probably what saved his life.


The cauldron exploded, sending shrapnel, liquid and mist through the lab, breaking bottles and utensils. Several pieces of cauldron were embedded in the wizard's back as he was blown into the shelving. Snape crumpled, unconscious.

He lay there on the floor, his robes pinned to him by pewter pieces, crimson wetness flowering around them. The air was full of fine, misty droplets of his brew and it settled over everything. The frightened nifflers in their cages chattered in fear as their fur was moistened.

On the floor, Snape breathed shallowly, inhaling the fine mist through his ample nostrils. It filled his lungs and was absorbed through his capillaries, sent to his bloodstream and circulated through every portion of his body.

One by one the pieces of iron embedded in his flesh shot away from his body and his wounds began to close and heal cleanly. Beneath his robes, his flesh gained elasticity, the angry raised welts of his scars smoothing and falling in, the stresses in his bone releasing, fissures and healed breaks sealing as if they had never been.

After an hour or so, he awakened, rising up from the floor unsteadily and looking around him, blinking. He was in Professor Slughorn's potion lab. And it was in a shambles!

"Potter," he growled. "I know he had something to do with this!"

He hastily beat a retreat from his Potions professor's laboratory. Even being in it could get him a countless amount of detentions.

He didn't know how Potter and his bloody Marauders managed to pull this off, but he'd find out . . .

and they'd pay.


Chapter 1: What's going on?

As Snape headed for Slytherin house, he wrestled with his too heavy, too long and too-many-buttons robes.

"These aren't even my blasted robes," he fumed. "They must have stunned me, and obliviated me and oh, I'm going to—"

He stopped in front of the entrance way to Slytherin house.

"Salazar's Slither," he said.

Nothing happened.

"Salazar's Slither."

Salazar's Slither! Who changed the password?" Snape hissed. Then he heard voices and slunk back into the shadows.

Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zambini walked up to the entrance.

"Serpensatia," he said, the wall sliding back and the two Slytherins entering.

"Who are they?" Snape wondered to himself as he slipped in behind them.

They walked into the common room. Other students were there, studying, talking, playing chess and Snap. Draco entered with Blaise and paused as everyone seemed to be staring at him. He looked down at his robes in case there was something on them. He looked back up at his housemates.

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