NINE ~ Marauders Reunited

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_Sirius POV_

I can't believe it . Prongs and Lilyflower, alive, back in my arms. 

I started crying into their shoulders, barely realising that Remus joined the hug. 

I sobbed for what felt like ages, not caring how weak I looked. My best mate and friend were back and I would not change it at all. 

I admit that I have been dreaming that the two of them never did die and were alive this whole time and would come to see me, but deep down, I knew that they were dead and were never coming back. All I had were memories of our time together. 

So having them right here right now alive and well was overwhelming for me. It still did not feel real. It felt surreal even. 

_Remus POV_ 

James and Lily, alive.

Usually I would start questioning how, but right now, I couldn't care less. 

My best friends were back and that was all that mattered. They were back, alive and well. 

After all these years of living without two of my closest friends, having them back just broke the dam. I started sobbing - hard - along with Padfoot. 

I still could not get it into my head that they were alive. Alive and here with me. It felt like I was in a dream. 

How long we stayed in that position I do not know. 

A cough from Dumbledore reminded the four of us that we had company. We broke away slowly, looking into each other's eyes before Lily looked away to address Dumbledore. 

"Sorry Professor." 

"No problem my dears," Dumbledore said with a smile. "I will be heading off now. James, Lily, you will be staying here with Remus and Sirius for the time being." 

The four of us nodded eagerly. We really wanted some time together to catch up. After all, 13 nearly 14 years has passed. 

"Alright." James replied, still smiling. 

With that, Dumbledore left. 

I immediately looked back to James and Lily, wanting to soak up their appearance. They were in the same clothes that they had died in, and still looked 21. Apparently, you don't age while dead.  Their facial expressions looked worn and tired, making me realise that they needed some sleep. 

I sighed, wanting to be given the chance to catch up as soon as possible. However, I knew they were drop dead tired. Returning from the dead must cause some energy loss apparently. 

"Sirius and I have some spare clothes that you can fit into James. For Lily, you can look into some of Tonks outfits that she left here, or you can borrow Molly's. I'm sure they won't mind. After that, you two need some sleep." 

"Thanks Moony but we rather chat right Lils?" 

"Yeah, we haven't seen you in ages and Sirius looks disappointed." 

I took a look at Sirius. 

"No, no, it's fine guys. You two look like you need sleep." 

At this, James sighed, "I do feel exhausted, but you two look like you haven't had a proper night's sleep in weeks. How bad is it now? Voldemort?" 

I hesitated, it was true that I had not been sleeping well. But that was not the only reason why I hesitated. How do I answer James's question? 

Sirius saved me from answering by saying that we will talk tomorrow and that we should get some sleep first. 

"I will lead you to the guess room while Remus gets some clothes for you guys." Sirius said. 

I just nodded my response and went off to gather some clothes for my best friends, still not fully believing that they are alive. 

After taking some clothes that I think would suit Lily, I went into my room to take some for James. 

With that done, I made my way to the room that I suspected Sirius would have chosen - the guest room just opposite our own rooms. I would have chosen that room as well, wanting to be as close as possible to James and Lily. 

My suspicions were correct as I walked into that corridor seeing that the door was open wide. 

I let myself in with the clothes that I had chosen for James and Lily. 

"Here you go." 

"Thank you Remus." Lily replied smiling while taking the clothes from me. 

I could not hold myself back anymore, I hugged Lily with so much force that nearly knocked her back. Thank merlin that the bed was right behind. But luckily, she did not fall. 

She froze for a moment, shocked, then hugged me back with equal amount of force. 

"I missed you so so much Lils." 

"I missed you too." 

"Hey! What about me?" James asked jokingly. 

I waved my arm in to signal for James and Sirius to join the hug. 

Sirius was nearly in tears again while I told James "Missed you too Prongs. So so much." 

"Don't go doing that again Jamie." Sirius said to James and Lily, sounding almost desperate. 

James seemed to frown slightly before saying, "I did it for Harry and Lily. Surely you understand that?" James paused a while before saying, "Sorry Padfoot, I understand what you mean. I'm really sorry for letting old Voldy kill me. I won't let that happen again. Promise." 

"I'm sorry too, I know why you died. I just couldn't take it." 

James just smiled slightly. 

"Let's all get some sleep and then we will talk more in the morning." Lily suggested. 

I nodded in agreement and left the room with Sirius. 

"I can't believe it." Sirius told me. 

"Neither can I, but I'm beyond grateful that they are back by our sides." 

"Same here. Night Moons." 

"Night pads." 

With that I walked to my room right beside his and dozed off quickly, having the best sleep I ever had in a while. 

A/N Sorry, this is kind of short. I was going to continue to write what happens to Harry but I have to leave for dance soon so... 

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