Was I Too Late?

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Karas POV
I need to hurry. I have to get there in time... if I don't, I wouldn't know how to live with myself. I couldn't. I fly through the air... one thing on my mind... Lena. Time seems to stop as I think about everything that has happened leading to this point.
"So how are things with you and James going?" I smile sitting across from Lena. I have to be a supportive friend even if it kills me.
"Good... really good actually." Lena says softly, a smile making its way on her lips.
"Come on, you have to give me more than that." I probed. Please don't tell me anything more.
"Well he's taking me to France for our anniversary next week... I'm really excited." As the words leave her lips she only smiles more.
"Paris, nice. Do you think he's gonna propose under the Eiffel Tower?"
"Kara don't be ridiculous. We've only been dating for a year."
"But he's taking you to Paris! For your anniversary none the less! I bet you're going to come back with a ring resting on your finger." Please don't let that happen... oh Roa I'm begging you to not let that happen.
"I-I don't know Kara..." She's blushing... she wants it to happen...
I stare blankly ahead. I can't lose her... I just can't. Our lunches will probably end. What if we drift apart when that happens?
"Hello? Earth to Kara?" Lena giggles bringing me back to reality, "I lost you for a second there."
"Sorry I'm just thinking of an upcoming article." I dismiss. At least I can lie...
"If it going to have another quote from yourself?" Lena had recently found out that in supergirl. She took the news better than I thought.
"Not this time. I'm sure there will be some quotes somewhere."
We finish lunch, hugging goodbye. What will I do if I don't get to hug her anymore? She means the world to me.
I shouldn't have let her go to Paris. I wouldn't be loosing her if she had stayed with me. I wasn't even invited to the big event... I'm her best friend. What did I do wrong? Actually I have a pretty good idea.
"You were right!" Lena smiles walking into my apartment a smile plastered on her face.
"You're back! And uh... what was I right about exactly...?"
"James proposed!" She holds up her left hand... a ring is placed perfectly on her finger.
"Oh... congratulations." I try to smile but all I can think about are the tears burning my eyes. I lost her.
"For my best friend I thought you'd be more excited." She looks hurt... oh Roa I hurt her...
"I-I am it's just-never mind." You cant tell her after she just got engaged...
"Don't do that. Whatever you have to say, I want to hear it."
"It doesn't matter lena honestly." I snap.
"Since you're clearly not happy I'll just leave. Oh and don't expect an invitation... maybe we weren't as close as I thought..."
I made her feel unloved... I hurt her. For my own selfish reasons... just because I love her. Even if I wasn't invited I still have to show up... even if I'm going to ruin everything... I just have to get it off my chest. I'm close... I can hear her heartbeat clearly. She's just under me.
"What am I even gonna say?" I pace my floor.
"Just fly there and tell her how you feel. Simple."
"It's not that easy Alex... she could reject me. Plus it's her wedding day."
"Well you're going to fly over there anyway. Ether you tell her, or I tell her for you."
I let out a huff of air, "Fine... I'll tell her."
I was going to stay home. Let her go through with the wedding... but something pulled me to her. I slowly lower myself so I'm standing on my own two feet. I take a deep breath as I straighten my dress. I walk into the building and walk to a set of large doors. Lenas on the other side... I haven't talked to her in months. I slowly lift my hands to the door... please don't be to late. I beg all of the gods of the galaxy to not let me be too late. With a final breath... I push.

Was I Too Late? - One shotWhere stories live. Discover now