Part 5: Morning snuggles

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The next morning, Ty opens his eyes slowly, still sleepy

He moves to sit up, only to realize Yuuki is clinging to his arm. A cute little smile on her sleeping face

Ty, now blushing a little: o-oh yeah.. I slept with Yuuki.. *his blush gets darker*

Ty thinking: i slept with yuuki!!!

???: *giggles* don't be embarrassed, enjoy this moment

Ty looks around and sees Aiko, sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee

Aiko: You two looked so peaceful together. It was really cute *she smiles* Why not get in some extra snuggles before she wakes up, huh? hehe *she grins*

Ty's blush starts to go away a little and he nods. He then turns his attention to Yuuki

Ty thinking: she looks so peaceful.. its so cute

He wraps his free arm around her and holds her close. Yuuki nuzzles into his chest and mumbles something in her sleep

Ty leans his head down and whispers into her ear,

Ty: your always so cute, Yuuki.. I.. I love it *he blushes a little and kisses her ear*

Yuuki giggles in her sleep and smiles

Ty thinking: what.. did I just do?

Aiko thinking: hehe, getting bolder, eh? Good job

Yuuki suddenly moves a little and opens her eyes a bit

Yuuki: mmm... morning.. *she yawns*

Ty: good morning, Yuuki

Yuuki moves her head around a little and slowly realizes that they're cuddling. She doesn't pull away though. Instead, she smiles and wraps her arms around him, closing her eyes again and smiling

Yuuki thinking: hehe.. snuggles with Ty. What a great thing to wake up to

Aiko: hehe, morning sis

Yuuki: o-oneesan?! *she jumps and pulls away from Ty in surprise* h-how long have you-

Aiko: all morning *grins*

Yuuki: *looks to Ty* h-how long have we..

Ty: a-all morning.. hehe..

they both look a little embarrassed

Aiko thinking: so frickin' adorable

Aiko: alright you two, enough being cute. Get outa there and come get some breakfast

Ty and Yuuki: o-okay..

They both get out of the blanket fort and stretch a bit, then join Aiko in the kitchen for breakfast

Ty x Yuuki Christmas storyWhere stories live. Discover now