Part 2: Apartment

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It wasn't a very long drive from the store, so they got to Yuuki's apartment pretty quickly

Yuuki unlocks the door and walks in. Ty behind her, carrying the tree

Yuuki: oneesan! I'm home! With a friend too

*They hear her twin yell back from elsewhere in the appartment*

Aiko: Welcome home! Come on in, Yuuki's friend

The two of them walk in and set the tree down in the living room. Shortly after, Aiko enters the room

Aiko: welcome home, Yuuki *she pats her on the head* Oh, hey Ty. You could've said it was him Yuuki

Ty: Your sister knows who I am?

Aiko: *giggles* of course I do. Yuuki never stops talking about yo-

Yuuki: SIS! *she punches her in the arm lightly, blushing* s-shut up!

Aiko: hehe, sure. *she grins* anyway, its pretty late now. Wanna spend the night, Ty?

Ty: s-spend the night? Here? I couldn't impose like that

Aiko: I'm fine with it. And judging by the look on my sister's face, she loves the idea

Yuuki blushes more and nods slightly

Ty: w-well.. okay. Sure, I'll stay

Yuuki: YAY! *she jumps into the air, excited

Ty thinking: she's as enthusiastic as ever. Its adorable

Aiko: Glad to have you Ty. Now come on, I just finished making dinner

Yuuki: good, im starving

Ty: I could eat

Aiko: good. C'mon you two

Aiko leads the two to the table, and they all eat dinner

Ty x Yuuki Christmas storyWhere stories live. Discover now