<<TonTon>> Christmas Ornament Fun

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"Mike Morton!" yelled Norton from the living room, standing in front of their Christmas tree.

'Y-Yes, hon?" Mike stammered as he slowly approached the mildly infuriated Norton.

"What happened to the three ornaments I bought last year?" Norton asked, crossing his arms. "I put 'em up this morning, and now they're gone!"

Then he looked at Mike. The blonde man gulped. He looked down, refusing to look at his angry fiancé.

"You didn't, perhaps, juggle 'em and broke 'em after. Did you, Mike?" Norton asked, arms still crossed.

"No," Mike lied, then he felt a little guilty. His fiancé raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I did... Sorry..." confessed Mike, looking down. Knowing that he could never be angry at his fiancé, Norton sighed and took out a box of three other plain baubles.

"I hope you're great at art," Norton said as he set them on a table near them. "We're going to have to paint them."

Mike's eyes shined brightly at the mention of 'paint'. He quickly prepared the paintbrushes, paint and two cups of water (nope, definitely NOT for drinking). Norton sat close to Mike, and the two stared painting. Mike insisted on painting two since he broke Norton's ornaments.

Soon, they finished painting two ornaments, and Norton looked at Mike intently as the man focused on painting the last one. Norton felt so happy to have met this ray of sunshine – his bubbly personality makes situations – even the worst – brighter.

"Done!" exclaimed a delighted Mike, satisfied at his design. Then he showed it to Norton.

Norton's face turned into a shade of bright red. The little bauble's was most definitely unique – it was the lovebirds' initials written over a heart. Around it were colourful juggling balls and magnets. He pulled Mike into a hug and sunk his head into his shoulders.

"I love you so much, Mike," said Norton, muffled, still hugging Mike with his head on his shoulder.

"I love you too, Norton," Mike said as he rubbedhis beloved fiancé's back. "Merry Christmas."

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