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{1038 words}

I blush as I walk inside.. Wait.. Do I like Gilbert Blythe?


I barely get any sleep. I stayed up the whole night confused and my mind full of questions.
Do I really like Gilbert Blythe? The boy I have known since I was a baby.. I can't. He doesn't feel the same. He couldn't. Especially the way he was practically drooling over Anne in class. But alas I must get up for school. It's 6:30 and Gilbert said he would walk me.


I told Tyler to walk ahead with his friends since I am waiting for Gilbert. That was 30 minuted ago. It's 7:30, I sigh as I grab my books and start walking. Did I get ditched? Maybe something happened? That's gotta be it. Guess I'm walking alone now..

The quiet is rather nice until I hear leaves crunching behind me. My breathing starts quickening, I don't dare to look around for the noise. I'm almost at the school not much longer to go. I do wish Gilbert was here, not that I can't protect myself but I would have better odds against whoever is making the noise.

"Well if it isn't Y/n Davis" Billy chuckles. Oh no.

Anyone but Billy Andrews. He is by far the worst out of all the boys. Please tell me I just imagined him there.

"Where's your little boyfriend Blythe at?"
Nope didn't imagine it.
I turn around to see Billy smirking at me. Out of all days why today?

"What do you want Billy?" I do wish Gilbert was here, or anyone, even Anne, Why did I walk alone and so late? Wait- I'm gonna be late for school. Mr Phillips will be upset and I'll get in trouble.

"Oh nothing just noticed you and Blythe haven't talked very much since his arrival. Trouble in paradise?" He snickered at me.

"Everything is fine and I really have to get to school so if you would please leave me alone" I try explaining while backing up as Billy walks closer.

"I said back up Billy!" I quietly shout.

"I think she said to leave her alone Billy." I hear Gilbert say. Oh thank the lord.

"Oh um y-yeah I was just saying.. Hi that's all" Billy stutters.

"Mhm better get going, don't wanna be late" Gilbert says unbothered.
Billy nods and walks away.

"That was a close one, thought I was gonna have to fight someone today" I jokingly say to Gilbert earning a chuckle from him as we continue walking to school.

"Yeah yeah, we all know you'd for sure win" He responds in a joking manner.

"Hey I'm serious I can handle myself" I try to sound offended but fail and we both end up laughing. His laugh is so precious, and the way he smiles- Stop thinking this way! I get lost in my thoughts and start reminiscing of old memories between Gilbert and I from when we were younger. I am so lost in my thoughts I don't even realize that I'm smiling.

"What are you thinking about" Gilbert asks bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I- um nothing j-just you know thinking of some funny stuff" I try to explain myself sounding confident but fail to do so.

"Relax your not on trial, I was just asking a simple question" he chuckles.

"Oh yeah I knew that haha" I joke.

{Gilberts POV}

I look at Y/n as we walk, I never noticed how much she changed while I was gone. She changed for the better. She seems more joyful.

[Back to Y/n's POV]

We reach the school right on time, I see everyone go inside the building. I put my milk down by the stream and Gilbert and I walk inside and put our coats and school bags down. We both start to walk in together and our faces are very close. My breathing quickens as I don't know what to do.

I chuckle "Sorry" and walk to my desk as Gilbert smiles back to his desk. I look over to glance on him and see he isn't looking at me. He's looking at where Anne was seated. I didn't realize Anne didn't show up for school, it's because of the event yesterday during class I assume. Suddenly I'm full of anger, she's not even here yet she still consumes his thoughts. I mean she does have pretty red hair, and unique freckles, a strange but nice personality. She's more like him, I can see why he looks at her the way he does, he never looked at me like that.
Gilbert noticed me glancing at him and smiles,
I quickly look away and look at the board.

{After School}

I quickly walk down the steps of the school and make my way home wishing Gilbert doesn't catch up.

"Hey Y/n, Y/n slow down!" Guess I made my wish too soon.

"Umm Heyyy Gilbert.." I say awkwardly. Maybe he won't notice I was trying to leave him.

"Why'd you go without me? You avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" Gilbert asks with a worried expression.

"What? No! Of course not. Just excited to get home is all!" I try to reassure him. He doesn't look like he's buying it..

"Y/n I am offended you think I wouldn't notice when somethings up" He says with his hand on his heart in a dramatic way. "So tell me, What is it?"

"Really it's nothing! Just excited to go home is all!"

"Okay if you say so" He says to me as we continue our walk home.

Soon we reach my house. I debate wether or not to do one thing before I walk inside.. Nobody's around anyways so it won't be a big deal.

I give Gilbert a kiss on the cheek and watch as he slightly blushes appalled by what I have done.

"Goodbye Gilbert, Cya tomorrow!" I say turning around smiling from ear to ear.

"B-Bye Y/n" he says as he walks away.

I turn around to glance at him and see him smile as he walks away to his house.

That boy sure is something.

Hope you all enjoy this chapter! I will try to update a lot! I have been a little busy catching up on school work but I wanted to do this for fun! If I don't update soon then I probably got my phone taken away haha. But enjoy and if you would like to then you can give me suggestions on what to do in the next chapters. Also the word count at the top of each chapter doesn't include any side notes I leave at the bottom!

Just a Dream || Gilbert Blythe x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin