Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 : bullying
—True to life story

To all the bullies and the people being bullied, please try to avoid doing these types of things because you'll only end up hurting yourself and others who clearly dont deserve this.

Two people were once very close, more like the brother and sister type. They were classmates, seat mates, and very good and close friends.
They would talk almost everyday, during and even after classes. The would tell eachother everything that was on their minds. They were inseparable.

But one faithful day, a rumor was spreading around inside and outside of their campus. Things got weird and awkward between them. Which resulted into their friendship being dented. That wasn't supposed to happen right? If only things weren't how they turned out to be.

So let us please try not to and try to refrain from saying things that actually turn out to not be true.

Everybody has problems, even bad people have problems. No one is exempted from this. Let us all be understanding and considerate towards eachother. We dont know what other people ar going through.


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