She smirked wickedly at me, showing that she was confident for my demise. I will show her.


She fired the first bullet. With all my strength I deflected it with my kunai and cutting the sharp blade in half. Great, that was my favourite one. I tossed it to the side and got ready for the next one.


The second bullet was fired and hit my left shoulder. I groaned in pain as I kneeled on the ground. I put my hand at the wound so I could stop the bleeding, but blood was still pouring out. One more, just one more.

With a evil smirk on her face she maniacally laughed, "You will always be the weakest marksman in the Land of Dawn Hanabi and you will always be", she fired her last bullet.


The last bullet is fired. I have no choice. I blocked it using my weapon and the blade was shattered.

"What?!" she yelled in surprise.

"It's not the equipment that makes a marksman," I weakly stood up on my feet, "it's the skill," I took another kunai from its hold.

She backed away from me as she was feeling a bit of fear. I kicked her riffle out of her grasped. She repeatedly launched fists at me, but I easily dodged them all. While dodging them, I managed to snatch one of her grenades, and kicked her in the face.

"Ugh! Can you be more annoying that you're already now?!" She yelled at me in anger as she grabbed her, probably broken nose.

"I can actually show you," I said as I hold up the grenade.

I watched her eyes grew wide open and frantically looked at her utility belt. She watched my emotionless expression as she took a step back and quickly ran off. I used my other hand to throw the grenade and threw the my kunai at it.

It exploded in the air, sending Lesley of the ground, landing head first on the ground; knocking her out cold.

I panted as that fight quickly drained my energy. I felt my head spinning uncontrollably and the world suddenly turned dark.

Gusion's POV

I quickly dashed towards Hanabi and caught her as she had fainted. I tucked some strands of purple hair, behind her ear and removed her mask. She's absolutely gorgeous.

"We have to take her to the hospital, Gusion," Gavin told me as he walked up behind me.

"That won't be necessary," I told him as to took my green scarf and wrapped her wounded shoulder. "I will take it from her Gavin, look after Harith for a bit until I come back".

I walked away from them, but I knew that Gavin wouldn't leave her with me. As I walked into an alley, I jumped onto the dumpster and onto the rooftop. I watched him cursed himself for losing sight of me and walked back to Harith.

I took Hanabi back to the base and let Angela treated her.

"She's beginning to be a magnet for trouble you know," Harley suddenly appeared behind me.

"Can't deny that, trouble is always following her behind," I replied.

And yet that's why I loved her. I walked back to the park. Gavin glared at me, "Where you hid her Gusion?"

"That's for me to know and for you to shut up," I said.

"She is my fiancée Gusion".

"Yet, she's my girlfriend before she was engaged to you".

"What are you achieving from all this Gavin? You told me that you never wanted to get married. Yet here you are, wanting my girl as your bride".

"Are you sure that you knew her longer that I do brother? I knew her since we were kids".

"What?!" I surprisingly asked, "we never been to the faction until that dinner," I argued.

"You haven't, but I have. She doesn't remember after an incident, she still has a crush on that Haya guy," he continued. "Seriously, what does she sees in that guy?"

"Even I don't know. But she is mine and mine only Gavin".

"If both of you done arguing," Harith just decided to pipe in, "Alucard is going to pick up soon".

"Stay away from her Gavin, she's my girl, not yours," I told him as I walked with Harith to Hanabi's old apartment building.

"Dude, what happen to Hana?" Alucard asked as he walked up to me with Miya by his side.

"Long story, for another time. I'm busy today," I told as I walked back to the base.

As I reached the infirmary, I saw Angela cleaning up. "Where is she?" I asked her.

"I finish fixing her up, half an hour ago, captain," she continued, "I asked Grock to carry her back to her room and Harley is taking care of her".

I nodded and walked towards Hanabi's room. As I opened the door, Harley was actually feeding Hanabi some soup as her arm was in a sling. "Thanks Harley, I owe you one," she thanked him with a smile.

"Shut up," he replied as he turned his head away.

"Aww, looks like someone is embarrassed," I said with a smug on my face.

"Well, my shift is done," he said as he put the bowl on the bedside table. "Have fun you two," he walked out and straight to his room.

Hanabi just shook her head at his childish attitude. "You should have let me handle her, Hana", I told her as I picked up the bowl.

"I just wanted to prove that I'm a strong marksman," she replied as she looked down at her arm.

I grabbed her chin and gently pulled her face close to mine and kissed her. After a moment, I gently pulled away. "You're more than a strong marksman, you're skilful and brave, you're better than any marksman in the Land of Dawn".

I watched her cheeks turn slightly pink. I indeed love her and she will always belonged to me.

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