When We First Met

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I walk along with the annoyance of the wind blowing my hair in my face. Things like this annoy me as it takes me forever to straighten my hair so I don't look like Merida from Brave, and then things just happen to ruin it. I walk as far away as I could, I don't want England to follow me and give me an apology when I know he'll do it again.

I wish we could get along sometimes. Well, we do, but the reason for our moments of bonding to end are usually due to arguments. I don't really know what it is between us, but I wish the arguments would stop.

Maybe we should take anger management classes together. Sounds awkward, but it's worth suggesting to England, anyway. It at least shows him that I'm trying to achieve a better bond and less arguments.

I walk into a park where not many people are and follow the path until I arrive at a bench. I sit down on it with a sigh and lean my head back. Today is not a good day and it's only the start. Brilliant.

After sitting and just watching the clouds in the sky and a small Robin in a tree, I decide to do something else for entertainment. So I take off my hat and pull out the book I had underneath it. I sewed pockets into my dress because dresses don't tend to come with pockets and that's annoying enough, but they aren't big enough for books and I'm not going to bother taking a handbag. So what better place to store it than under my hat that I always wear?

It's sort of cartoonish, but it works. I usually always have something stored under my hat, and gravity is one of my biggest enemies. It's annoying when I lean too far forward and my hat falls off as well as whatever is under it. But then if there was no gravity, my hat would just float away and my hair would annoy me even more. I can't decide whether to like gravity or not.

I find the place where I had folded a corner of the page to continue reading. I get lost in the book and the anger I was feeling soon melts away. As I read on in the adventurous world the author of the book created I begin to get a little bored. It's reached one of those plot builder parts—a part that just talks about the plot and has no action. It's usually at these parts I find myself loosing motivation to read, but I try to continue.

It's hard to keep focus, however, and just like in the small restaurant, my mind begins to wonder. I still read the words of the book but I'm not even registering them—only scraping over them with my eyes, as my mind is somewhere else. Somewhere in the past again. My past. I don't know why I keep on thinking about it. About her. But here I am. Remembering the first time I met her.


Here I was. In need of a friend; in need for assistance. I knew letting that English bitch help choose a king was a bad idea. But it wasn't much my choice, anyway. He was a manipulator. My king wasn't choosing decisions himself, but was choosing what England's king told him to by influence. His whole plan was to subjugate my land. Me as a country. I won't let that happen, but I can't do it myself. As much as I hate to admit, I am quite weak.

So I came to visit an enemy of his. With the problems they are experiencing against the English at Gascony, I knew they would be a good ally. The enemy of my enemy shall always be my ally. And so I came to meet them in hopes of forming an alliance, there was an agreement so it should be fool proof. I could of sent someone but I want to see this kingdom. A major power. I hope I can become as strong one day, but my country needs to be a bit more improved economically first and England doesn't make that job any easier.

It was arranged to meet at this building. I don't quite know or remember what it's called but it's big and posh and has a meeting room so I can see why this was the place of choice. I stand in the meeting room right now—waiting for this country to arrive.

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