The Prime Log

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After listening to so many bad and also funny log puns we are finally starting to finish with our home when me and ghostbur hear tommy start shouting about an apple and the prime log

"I NEED TO EAT IT" Tommy is yelling while me and ghostbur are talking to him, holding back laughter

"Tommy no no just wait till we find some leather!" I yell while running off to look through our chests

"What kind of fucking cow doesn't drop leather!!" Ghostbur shouts while he begins to look for a horse

"THIS IS WHAT JESUS WOULD'VE WANTED GUYS" Tommy starts yelling again from inside of our home

"AHHHH IM ENTERING LOG VISION- HUMMINA HUMMINA HUMMINA" Tommy continues to yell before he bursts out laughing

"Tommy i'm on my way back do not eat the apple!" Ghostbur yells to the boy while starting his run back

"I have to do this, its calling me... I hear it!" Tommy is yelling

As i'm making my way back to tommy trying not to laugh I hear him shouting

"LOGGY LOGGY LOGGY! EAT ME LOGGY!" He begins yelling louder

Finally reaching the wooden area I see ghostbur placing the apple into a item frame on top of the log and tommy immediately stops yelling and just stands there

"Guys I reckon we've gone insane" Tommy says turning to the both of us

"Yeahhh, tommy I think that's just you man" I respond with a laugh

Tommy then turns and beings walking to some random logs he placed on the ground a few hours previous to this

"There are some logs here....I wonder what they're saying to me. Ah yes that's very racist" He says with a loud laugh following after that sentence

"Burn those logs tommy" Ghostbur says to him

"Yes we must burn them before they spread their racism to the other logs" Tommy says agreeing with the ghost before him

Finally becoming dark outside again ghostbur says his goodbyes to us for now and goes off to wherever he goes as me and tommy are left alone standing on the beach.


"We're all alone now y/n.... just us and a ghost" Tommy says as the his mood suddenly changes while he noticeably becomes more sad

"It'll be alright tommy, we will get through this. Hey were the L.O.T right? Nobody can beat us" I say nudging him in the arm before we make our way back to the dirt house for the night

Saying our goodnights and making sure the door is tightly shut so no mobs get in we settle down for the night and fall asleep.

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