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Emma stumbled in her flat, being pushed up against the wall. She had just come from a party and was really high and drunk. She had no idea who the guy was that was slowly leading her down the hall, guessing at what room he was going in. He pressed another kiss to her lips and mumbled, " God, you feel so good."

Emma smiled and pushed him on the bed. She didn't say anything, knowing it doesn't matter anyway. She was glad it was too dark to see the scars that have collected on her body. She straddled his hips, taking off his shirt.


When Emma woke up the next day with a pounding headache, she turned over to see the guy from last night was gone. She sighed, getting up and finding a long t-shirt so she wouldn't walk around her house naked. Emma made her way to the kitchen to make some coffee, she honestly didn't like coffee but it made her hangover a lot better. She took three pain killers. Putting some store brand egos in the toaster, she placed her head on the bar. The doorknob jingled as her flat mate walked in. Brooklynn took one look at Emma before shaking her head. " You need to stop partying, your gonna end up getting yourself killed."

" No, I'm not. And it's not like anyone would care." Emma picked her head up from the table as her egos were done. Brooklynn glared at her, since she hated when Emma talked about herself like that.

" I care, your family cares." Brooklynn reassures.

" I haven't to talked to them in almost two years." Emma took a bite of her ego, " I doubt they would even want to hear from me."

" I know that's a fucking lie. I know they call you. They miss you, you need to answer them." Brooklyn shakes her head.

" What would you know about it? You've always been loved! You grew up in an amazing household, with two loving parents! My dad left us!" Emma glared at Brooklynn.

Brooklynn glared back, " I know I don't know anything about your family but I'm pretty sure your mom loved you enough to make up for your dad not being there. And just because you didn't have a dad doesn't mean you weren't loved. I don't know what happened between you and your family, but you need to get over it because they care."

Brooklynn walked away and into her room. Emma glared as she watched her go, but then her eyes drifted to her phone. She ate her waffles and then grabbed her phone and walked out of the flat after putting her shoes on, " Going out."

" Okay." Brooklyn called back.

After Emma had walked to the nearby park, she sat on the bench looking at her phone. On her screen was her brothers and mother name. She didn't know which one to call, so closed her eyes and clicked. She put it up to her ear, not even wanting to know the name she clicked on. The phone rung a few times then someone answered, their voice breaking a bit, " Emma?"

She couldn't bring herself to say anything so they just sat in silence at they cried. " Look, Emma, I'm so sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it, please come back. We've all been worried about you."

After a few minutes of silence, Louis sighed, " Please, say something? Let me know your okay."

Emma was about to break down sobbing so she couldn't say anything but, " I'm sorry."

" Wha-" Emma hung up on Louis, not knowing what else to do. She sat there for a bit debating on whether or not to call him back. She decided on the other number, for some reason the talk with Brooklynn made her want to reconnect with her family.

She pressed call, then put it to her ear. Her mom answered faster then Louis, " Emma?"

This was when she broke down, " Hey, mum."

" Are you okay? Where have you been?" Jay started pestering her with questions, while Emma was getting over whelmed.

" Mum?" Emma cut Jay off, not knowing what else to do. She had three words crawling up her throat, or bile from nerves and last night, " Mum, I love you."

" I love you, too. Sweetie, are you coming home soon? I miss you so much." Jay finished talking waiting for an answer, then Emma hung up. She didn't feel good about it, but she couldn't handle it right now. She was already sobbing in the park, while children were playing not even three meters away.

Emma stood up, then started walking back to her flat. When she got there Brooklynn was making eggs in the kitchen, she barley looked up from her pan when Emma walked in. " Nice walk, eh?"

" I rung them." Emma sat at the table. Brooklynn stopped what she was doing and looked at Emma.

" Who's them?" Brooklynn turned the stove off and sat at the other side of the table.

" My brother and my mum. I hung up on them since I didn't know what to talk about. I didn't know what to say. I told my mum I loved her."

" That's a start. What did you tell your brother?" Brooklynn asked.

" That I was sorry. Then I hung up." Emma looked up to find Brooklynn looking at her. Emma couldn't read her expression which made her nervous, which was out of character for her since she didn't care what people thought of her, but when it comes to family, her old self comes out, or so she found out today.

" I think you need to call them back. Meet up with them. It was a good start but you probably scared them half to death just hanging up. Text them or call them back." Brooklynn got up and started to finish making her eggs.

Emma looked down at her phone, looking at his name. She missed her brother, they were super close before they got into a fight. Thing were said and they both regretted. That was the night Emma ran away. She was eighteen so no one could do anything to help find her. She was just so pissed and upset. She didn't mean to leave for a year and a half, she got caught and trapped and when she was free, she was too far gone to go back to Louis. She pushed her pride away and called Louis again. This time he answered almost immediately.

" Em?" He asked.

"Do..." She trailed off, already regretting calling, " Do you want to meet up? I know your in town and just wanted to see if we could talk."

" Yes! I would love to! When can we met up? I'm free for lunch today and tomorrow." He said, joy filled him even through the phone.

" Today is good." Emma sucked in a breathe, hating how fast everything was going. But this needed to get it out of the way. She missed her family.

" Alright, I'll give you my address and we can go somewhere from there." Louis suggested.

" Alright, does one work for you?" Emma tried to push it off for as long as she could without going into dinner times.

" It's perfect."

" Okay. I'll see you then."

Emma hung up the phone, thinking shit.

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