You Have Got To Be Kidding Me

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I woke up at 2:00am with the feeling I was about to get sick. I ran to the bathroom and got sick. I didn't have a fever and my headache was gone. I have no idea why I'm getting sick.

I decided to go into the kitchen to get water. I started to feel hungry all of a sudden so I decided to get a small snack. I took the snack and a water bottle up to Ry's room. I sat down on the bed a finished a protein bar.

I sat on my phone for awhile. Ry wasn't home yet. A couple minutes later he walked in the door.

Ry: Hey

Kayla: Hey

Ry: I didn't think you would be up.

Kayla: I woke up about 10 minutes ago.

Ry: Are you okay?

Kayla: Yea-

I got up and ran to the bathroom and got sick again. What the fuck is wrong with me.

Ry: Are you sick?

Kayla: No. I don't have a fever.

Ry: Okay, well just go get checked in case.

Kayla: Yeah okay.

I made an appointment at the doctors at 10:00am. I went in and see checked me out and did a blood test just to check a few things.

Doctor: Well your not sick.

Kayla: Okay so that's good.

Doctor: Yeah it is. Have you been sexually active recently.

I was confused on why she was asking me.

Kayla: Yeah.

Doctor: Okay well with the blood test we took one thing came back positive.

Kayla: Okay what was it?

Doctor: Well Kayla, Your pregnant.

Kayla: Your joking right?

Doctor: No you are 100% pregnant.

She handed me the paper and it did say I was pregnant. I gave her back the paper.

Kayla: Okay am I good to go home now?

Doctor: Yes, but I want you to follow up with an OBGYN okay.

Kayla: Okay.

I went into and sat there. Holy shit I'm Pregnant. I keep replying those words in my head. Then realization hit me. It's Ross's baby.

Fuck my life. What the fuck am I gonna do?

Author's Note: Oh no Kayla's Pregnant and it's Ross's kid. How will she tell Ryland or will she? Read on to find out!!!

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