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Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera x Roberta Faverolle:

Roberta hugs are a bit awkward,not that Fenton mind it

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Roberta hugs are a bit awkward,not that Fenton mind it. She wants to get his approval before hugging him.

She knows that sometimes Fenton don't have perfect days,so she tried not to bother him.

If she's too afraid to try and hug him,he'll mainly hug her,just to let Roberta know that he love her hugs.

Drake Mallard x Martha Sparrow:

Drake loves hugging Martha all the time,wherever,whenever,and with whomever

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Drake loves hugging Martha all the time,wherever,whenever,and with whomever.

He really enjoys holding her close,because he feels like he's protecting her in a sense.

Launchpad McQuack x Clarissa Flycatcher:

Launchpad is a big hugger and every time he sees Clarissa

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Launchpad is a big hugger and every time he sees Clarissa. The first thing he'll do is give her a tight and warm hug.

He knows how each hug makes her day a bit special,so he tries his best to hug her all the time.

Mark Beaks x Emmalyn Robin:

Mark Beaks x Emmalyn Robin:

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Ducktales (2017) Boyfriend Scenario Where stories live. Discover now