🖤Fluff Alphabet: Lee Felix🖤

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A- Anniversary- What he does for your first anniversary

He'd bake them a ton of their favorite desserts and package them up all nice and cute with a love note.

B- Babies- Does he want kids? How many?

Yes. 3 kids, no more, no less.

C- Cute- What his partner does that he finds cute

When a partner wants to help him bake and then laughs when they mess something up like getting flour all over the place.

D- Dogs and Cats- Does he want any pets? What kind?

Yes, anything that's a mammal. 

E- Equal- What's the dynamic like? On a scale of 0-10 how dom is he?

5/10 Completely equal dynamic.

F- Friends- Are you friends before you start dating?

Aquaintances first.

G- Gorgeous- What aspect of a partner does he find beautiful?

Smile and eyes.

H- Hands- How does he like to hold hands? When? Where?

Anywhere anytime.

I- ILY- Who says "I love you" first?

Partner does.

J- Jewels- What kind of jewelry does he like on a partner?

Simple chains and dangle earrings.

K- Kisses- How does he like to kiss? When? Where?

Soft kisses on the cheek, forehead, and lips when in public. Sensual makeouts in private.

L- Late Nights- What does he do when a partner can't sleep?

He'd talk with them and make them smile while playing with their hair until you realize it's like 6 am.

M- Morning- How does he like to spend a Sunday morning with a partner?

Cuddle in bed with them until they get hungry and go make food.

N- Nickels and Dimes- Does he spoil his partner? How often?

A few times a month.

O- Outfit- What type of clothing does he like on a partner?

Hoodies and leggings.

P- Parents- Do his parents like you? Do your parents like him? Do your parents like each other?

Yes, yes, yes.

Q- Question- How long are you dating before getting engaged?

2 years.

R- Rainy Day- What do you do on rainy days?

Making food and binge-watching shows.

S- Snuggles- How does he like to cuddle with a partner?

Spooning where he's the little spoon.

T- Terms of Endearment- What does he call you? What does he like to be called?

You call him Baby or Love. He calls you Babe or Love.

U- Unencumbered- How does he like to relax after a long day?

Spending quality time with a partner.

V- Value- What does he value most in a relationship?

Physical affection.

W- Wedding Bells- How long after getting engaged do you get married?

1 year.

X- TeXting- What is your name in his phone? What's his in yours?

Your name: Baby Love❤ His name: Lover💋😍❤

Y- Yearning- What do you guys do when you miss each other?

Video chats and calls.

Z- Zzz- How does he like to sleep? Clothes? Cuddles? Position?

Shorts, yes, spooning.

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