Chapter 1

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"Excuse me do you know Takashima Rei? Can I ask where I can see her?" Sawamura asked a player who was nearby, his brown locks seated in the breeze.

"Takashima-san? she's usually in her office, do you need me to take you to her?" He replied pointing to the direction of the office

"Thank you so much! Ah! I'm Sawamura Eijun by the way!" Sawamura introduced himself to the player

"I'm Miyuki Kazuya, are you enrolling to Seido?" Miyuki asked the male after seeing the folder he was holding

"Yes I am! Ill be joining the team starting next year!" Sawamura exclaimed happily

"Ah so we'll be team mates then, good luck" Miyuki smirked "are you a pitcher?"

"Yup! If I remember correctly you're a catcher right?" Sawamura said

"Haha correct, I'm going back to practice now you should go on your own" Miyuki said waving goodbye to sawamura

"Thank you so mu-Ack!"

Miyuki watched sawamura twisting his own ankle and face planting on the ground, he quickly got up and ran off with a bright red face, miyuki held his stomach as he tries to restrain himself from laughing out loud.

"Sawamura eijun.... Where have I heard that name before?"

Later that afternoon miyuki found the same male with stars in his eyes admiring the equipment and field, he just assumed this sawamura kid probably has never seen such equipment in where he's from, a public school maybe?

But then again Rei did go out her way to recruit him, so there must be something special about him then.

"Kawakami!! Is that the best you can throw?? My mom could throw better than you" Azuma's voice boomed through the field

Sawamura looked at the owner of the voice and shot a small glare, he innocently walks over to the batter's cage and leaned on one of the rails beside kawakami

"Azuma senpai right? Can I try throwing to you as well?" He asked with an Innocent smile on his face

The others looked at him as if giving him their condolences, that was also miyuki's first thought but the second he saw sawamura's mischievous grin as he turned away from Azuma somehow made him realize this kid is either prideful as hell or stupid.

"Haha! Interesting, mind if I catch for him rei-san?" Miyuki said

"Sawamura-kun, you can change over there" Rei smiled pointing to the direction of the restroom

"I'll take you there follow me" Miyuki said already walking to the direction of the rest room and sawamura followed behind "you're an evil brat you know that?"

"Not sure what you're talking about~" Sawamura let out before taking off his hoodie revealing his white shirt underneath, but that's not what caught miyuki's eye it was the giant scar on sawamura's left arm.

As soon as sawamura finished changing he saw miyuki's mouth agape and his eyes looking at his left arm, then it hit him

"Ah, the scar? It was from a surgery a while back but I'm all good now! I can't pitch at full strength yet but once I get the okay from the doctor I will be back in full shape!" Sawamura said reassuring miyuki who was now out of his daze

"You're a southpaw?" He asked

"Yep!" Sawamura replied before grabbing his clothes and making his way back to the fields with miyuki following behind

"What pitches do you throw?" Miyuki asked

"I specialize in fastballs, but I can throw other stuff too! Like cutters, change ups, two seamers, four seamers and even splitters" Sawamura said

He finds it hard to believe, this kid is still in middle school isn't he??

"Damn are you a prodigy or something?" Miyuki said shocked at the words of the middle schooler

"Hn you can call it that" Sawamura smirked before starting to do his warm ups

The two staring throwing the ball back and forth while sawamura worked on slowly warming up his entire body for his pitching form.

Miyuki notices his odd form, such a tight form cannot be completed without a flexible body.

His left arm swings down late and before you know it the ball is already flying straight towards you, his pitches get faster when it reaches the home plate.

Not to mention how it moves and breaks, such talent is a one every generation or something and being a southpaw is already uncommon on its own.

Miyuki grins at the thought, but the question on the back of his mind still remains.

Where did he hear that name from?

"Are you warned up now?" The catcher asked

"Yep, my shoulder is all loose" Sawamura replied showing miyuki by rotating his shoulder

"Did you know that the best pitches are a work of art?"

"Work of art?"

"It's a work of art created by a pitcher and a catcher, would you like to create that art with me partner?"

"Interesting, let's do it then"

It began with a fastball to the inside, the first strike.

Next was another fastball to the inside again.

Lastly sawamura decided to have a little fun, miyuki signalled for another fastball right down the middle

Sawamura chuckled a bit at the thought, he threw a cutter instead which made both miyuki and azuma confused.

The pitcher let out a 'tch' sound seeing miyuki catch the ball, but he was glad he finally found a place he deems interesting enough.

"Damn brat I called for a fastball not a cutter, but anyways that was a pretty impressive cutter with a sharp break" Miyuki smiled as he now turned his eyes to a fuming red Azuma " And that's an out Azuma"

"Holy crap he struck out Azuma in just three pitches"

"Isn't he a draft candidate?"

"Who is that kid?"

Sawamura could hear whispers around him, but he ignores them and proceeds to change back into his normal clothes.

He has decided that Seido would be the perfect team if he wants to reach his goal, miyuki kazuya will be the one to catch for him.

Later on he returned to his home back to Nagano, he left miyuki a small gift. It was a Keychain of a Golden baseball

At dinner that night the cafeteria was even more busier than usual after the recent news, Azuma is still fuming red and shouting random things.

Miyuki approached Takashima as she was about to leave after the team meeting"Rei-san I want to ask, who is that kid? He's pretty good and his name is oddly familiar" Miyuki asked rei, now everyone is listening in on the conversation out of curiosity

Rei chuckled "im surprised you haven't recognized him , sawamura eijun is the youngest of the seven national treasures." She smiled at the shocked faces of the players "months ago he went on hiatus because of an injury, I found him during my trip to Nagano and discovered he was planning to make a comeback to the baseball world, I checked on his previous matches prior to the injury and he even let me watch him practice i thinnk he will be a great asset here in Seido" Rei finished

"Holy crap miyuki you just formed a battery with a national treasure" Kuramochi said

"Well damn" Miyuki said

Author Note:

Tadaaaaaa! i decided to publish ot despite the errors and imperfections(please excuse those cuz i'm still working on my writing) but anyways here ya go!

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