1. First Meetings

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"Harvey, come here for a minute!" Maru called as she smiled widely at Kaylub who raised a brow at the excited expression on the shorter females face. She held a sparkle in her eye that was borderline mischievous.

"Maru what could be so important that it couldn't wait till I was done reorganizing the she-" Harvey had just exited the back and had locked brown eyes with sky blue. He instantly flushed pink. "O-Oh I didn't realize you brought someone with you." He straightened up and gave a smile. "I'm Harvey, the doctor here."

"Kaylub, I recently moved into town."

"Well if you're ever in need of medical attention, my door's always open."

"Have fun you two." Maru then dashed out as Harvey flushed once again. Kaylub on the other hand shook his head at the girls antics.

"So... how are you liking it here so far?" Harvey asked after a few moments of silence. Kaylub looked up at him and Harvey found himself flying in those sky eyes.

"It's nice, the people here are nice as well." Harvey nodded agreeing with that. "Though a few are a bit grumpy, but nothing I'm not used to dealing with."

"You came from the city right?" Kaylub nodded. "It must be such a difference compared to the hustle and bustle." Kaylub giggled and Harvey enjoyed the sound.

"Yeah, but not so much that I can't get used to it. Though having a doctor close by is a plus." Harvey flushed and nodded.

"Well, welcome to Pelican Town."

"Thanks, do you know where I can get food?"

"Right, follow me." Harvey grabbed his jacket and led the way to Stardrop Saloon.


It was a rainy day and Sebastian smiled. He loved the rain and found himself heading to the dock. It was there he noticed a figure sitting in his usual spot at the edge of the dock. This was strange as normally the only other person who would be out during a rainy day is Abigail. He walked over to see a young male with short fluffy black hair wearing a black hoodie with his legs hanging off the dock as he was fishing.

"Hey," Kaylub looked up to see a male with obsidian hair that matched his eyes. Kaylub tilted his head informing him to continue. "You're in my spot." Kaylub nodded and shifted to right allowing Sebastian to sit, he remained standing. "Aren't you the newcomer? Kaylub is it?" He learned his name because Maru wouldn't shut up about him. It only annoyed him further that he was here in his spot. Kaylub nodded once again. "Sebastian, what are you doing fishing in the rain?"

"Fish are creatures much like the ones on land. They can tell when the weather has changed, the seasons, and even the time of day. Fishes can be temperamental and even range in depth in which it takes to catch them."

"You know a lot about fishes."

"My dad used to take me fishing. It helped him clear his mind. Guess I picked up the habit... are you planning on standing there or are you going to sit?" Sebastian blushed lightly.

"I don't want to disturb the fish."

"If fish were bothered with human interaction we wouldn't be able to catch fish anyway." Sebastian blinked and blushed worse as he sat next to Kaylub.

Sebastian listened to the way that the rain hit the water differed from the way it hit the dock, the soft sounds of the waves, and how the fishing pole bobbed in the water before he heard it dip. He looked to see the focus and skill that would make Willy look like a newbie as he caught, in one hand, a fish.

"It's a Herring."

"I knew that." Kaylub raised a brow as Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck. "That was amazing by the way."

"I was trying to catch a Sardine, but it'll do." Kaylub looked out over the grey water that reflected the clouds. "It's getting late, we should head back now." Sebastian nodded as he watched Kaylub get up and walk down the pier towards the shore. He then stopped and turned back to Sebastian.

"It was nice having company." He gave a soft smile, then turned and left leaving a slightly blushing Sebastian.

Entering the pub after a long day of work was supposed to be the highlight of Shane's day, but he heard a new sound that caused confusion. It was a sweet sound and he wouldn't mind hearing it more often. It was a quiet laugh and when he looked to see who it was coming from, he found that his spot had been taken by a new face. He walked over, soured expression planning on getting rid of the new intruder, but was a bit taken back by wide sky blue eyes looking up in to his abyss black eyes when he arrived.

"Hi, you must be Shane." He blinked surprised.

"And you must be the new person who moved in?" Kaylub nodded. He got up and took the seat next to his previous spot.

"Emily was telling me that I was in your spot. I apologize for that." He answered for the confused look he received from Shane. The indigo haired male took his seat and huffed. He was trying to rebuild his gruff exterior that this new male easily knocked down in one glance.

"Well at least you have the decency to move." There was that laugh again.

"Right, by the way, my name's Kaylub." He nods as Emily walks over and hands Shane's usual beer. It was then he noticed that Kaylub was drinking water.

"You don't drink?" Kaylub shrugged.

"I do, only on occasions." He sips his water as the two slip into comfortable silence. Neither really had anything to say to the other and Shane was grateful for that. He didn't want to deal with a chatterbox. He found himself enjoying the others company even if it was just a silent body next to him. Shane could get use to this new addition to his night.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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