s1:ep5→the gospel

Start from the beginning

I can die happy now, He blissfully sighed, revealing confidential information was worth it.

"Oh, I see," You slowly nodded. He said it like it was the morning gospel that you had no choice but to believe him.

You shakily sat beside him, still processing the information. The cause of my suffering is sitting right beside me, eating coffee jelly..., you depressingly thought.

It was surreal.


It's the exact same feeling when the deities you were whispering all your secrets to is actually just that weird kid from across the street who's notorious for setting cats on fire. That analogy was specific but you get it, right?

In a daze, you weakly took one of the deserts you bought and clumsily dropped the jelly from your spoon--when you looked down to pick it up from the floor, it was nowhere to be found. You turned to look at Saiki suspiciously. He was still blissfully eating.

As if on cue, Mrs. Saiki appeared from the kitchen, holding a plastic container.

"This is my thanks for being Kuu-chan's friend! This is the first time in forever since he brought someone to our home..!" She swiped a tear that's about to fall. "It's strawberry cake, I baked it myself!"

"Oh, thank you! My old man likes these stuff." You slightly burn up, snapping out of your depressive state.

"We're not friends."

"Oh, stop being in denial, Kuu-chan!" She cutely remarked.

"Yeah, what she said, Kuu-chan," You teased. His eye twitched and turned away from you.

After the little exchange, the psychic retreated to his room, much to his mother's dismay. Mrs. Saiki blabbed your ear off about whatever comes to mind--mostly embarrassing childhood stories of Kusuo. You made a mental note of it for future blackmail.

After two whole hours of humiliating the superpowered teenager, you finally left the Saiki household. You weren't able to meet the mystery man that the missus married, but you'll get 'em next time.

You're not even going to lie, you imagined that the man looked like everyone's stereotypical image of Jesus' dad AKA the big man from above. You even made a theory that Mrs. Saiki was a sacrifice to marry a god.

While you were in the middle of theorizing all the secrets of the universe, you bumped into a middle-aged man wearing a pair of red glasses. The first thing you thought when you saw him was the word 'boring'.

Heh, you thought, If Kusuo's father looked like that, I'd be extremely disappointed.

You apologized, lightly bowing to the man and proceeded to go home.

Standing at your porch, you swore that you could hear someone screaming their lungs out. Is there a death metal band nearby?

"(y/n)! The stove is on fire!" Your father screeched, bursting out the front door, startling you.

No wonder that scream sounds familiar.

You can only guess that he tried cooking and failed miserably. You must've lost track of time for him to resolve to this.

You always wondered how he managed to live this long as an adult.

You also wondered how you're still alive under his supervision.

"Well good evening to you too," You sarcastically greeted, taking off your shoes.

"Can't you at least be a bit concerned!? Get some water from the bathroom!" Your father frantically said, repeatedly hopping on the same spot...not doing anything useful at all.

You mentally scoffed and threw your whole body on the couch. Today has been eventful and exhausting that you don't even bother sparing a glance on the stove that's currently on fire.

You'll just let the logic of this world to do its magic.

Spoiler alert: Apparently your 'curse' doesn't work on house appliances so both you and your papa decided to just feast on Chinese take outs. Also, your kitchen is burnt to a crisp.

"By the way, Mrs. Saiki gave us cake," You yawned, opening the television.

Coincidentally, you're just in time for that teledrama that you hate with your entire being. You decided to make fun of the horrendous acting to make it tolerable.

"Huh? Who the hell is that?" He stopped hopping, seemingly forgetting about their current problem, "Never mind that, where is it?! I'm starving!"






Another day at PK Academy and you forgot to bring your wallet with you. You don't usually buy lunch at school--solely because of the shitty cooking--but they're currently selling your favourite snack and you're determined to put them out of stock.

But the problem is how the fuck?

"(l/n)? You look like you're in deep thought, " Kaidou interrogated, "Penny for your thoughts?"

"Thinking up some get-rich-quick schemes," you mumbled, holding your chin. Kaidou scratched his head, confused.

"Uh-- Good luck?"

You dismissively nodded. Your gaze suddenly went to the bluenette who entered the classroom just in time. She greeted all her fanboys with a sweet smile while not-so-discreetly taking a glance on the psychic.

A perfect girl and her fanboys...

Perfect girl...


Your eyes widen, your frown slowly transitioned into a grin. The delusional boy beside you shivered at how creepy you looked. He's starting to believe that you have gone mental.

"Um, (l/n)? Are you alright?" Kaidou's concern did not got unnoticed by the psychic sitting in front of you.

"Kai-chan, I'll be sure to remember you once I get rich."

—𝙏𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙

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