Bolovard of broken dreams Cheat series p2

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@all i have something to say Kiri  can you add the narcissistic scumbag

Kiri: yep @narcissistic

Narcissistic is now online

Narcissistic:what do you loser want?

Bakubabe: shut up and listen to Y/N you narcissistic little bitch

Y/N: I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes But it's home to me, and I walk alone

Deku: what do you mean?

Y/N: I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps And I'm the only one, and I walk alone

Iida: broken dreams you are giving up your dreams of being a hero

Y/N: I walk alone, I walk alone I walk alone, I walk a- My shadow's the only one that walks beside me My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me Till then I walk alone

Narcissistic: what's with the crazy talk

Kiri: Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, aaah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah

Shinso: she's walking down the line
That divides her somewhere in her mind On the borderline Of the edge, and where She walks alone

Y/N: Read between the lines
What's fucked up, and everything's alright Check my vital signs To know I'm still alive, and I walk alone

Still Y/N: I walk alone, I walk alone
I walk alone, I walk a- My shadow's the only one that walks beside me My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me Till then I walk alone

Bakubabe: Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, aaah ah Ah-ah, ah-ah She walks alone, She walks a-

Narcissistic: meaning what asshole

Mad hops: meaning she's over you asshole god learn to understand women you might be able to keep a girl

All the class claps Asui

Y/N: I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps And I'm the only one, and I walk a-

Still Y/N: My shadow's the only one that walks beside me My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me Till then I walk alone

Y/N went offline in tears 

Mina: you broke her heart you prick

Kiri: you broke her trust you dick

Deku: you broke her spirit you narcissistic jerk

Shinso: and we won't stand for it

Iida: we are not just a class we are a family

Bakubabe: you hurt one of our family they it becomes our problem

Todoroki: so now you got a problem and it's just about to get bigger

Jiro: wait todoroki what are you planning

Todoroki adds your uncle sir knighteye

Sir eye: why have I added to a student group chat

Todoroki: back read sir

Sir eye: keep away from my niece or I will make you suffer in defiantly

Sir eye went offline Everyone else went offline

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