Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

"Oh, okay." Bad starts walking away, towards Skeppy's house.

Meanwhile, A6D secretly followed behind.

Bad arrives and knocks on the door.

Skeppy's head perked up and thought, "This is it... no turning back..."

Skeppy struggles to the door and opens it. "Hey, Bad..."

"Oh, hey, Skeppy." Bad greets. "A6D told me to come here... unless he's trying to get us to be friends again then I-"

"No! Don't leave!" Skeppy pleads, "I... I need to talk to you..."

"Huh?" Bad seemed confused. Skeppy needs to talk to him?

"Okay, I won't leave... can I come in?" Bad asks.

"Oh, yeah, yeah! Come in." Skeppy steps back to let Bad in, then closes the door after Bad enters.

A6D peeks through the window from outside, viewing the scene.

"So... What do you want to talk to me about?" Bad asks.

"Uhm... I... I need to tell you something..." Skeppy whispers.

"I'm listening." Bad said.

"I..." Skeppy hesitates.

A6D, who was watching from outside, screamed in his head, "Skeppy don't screw this up! You got this!"

"I... Bad, I..." Skeppy seemed clearly nervous.

Bad stood there, waiting for Skeppy patiently in silence.

"Bad... I... I miss you..." Skeppy finally says.

"Wh-what...?" Bad mumbled.

"I..." Skeppy then starts tearing up, "I miss you... I miss you, Ba-"

Skeppy paused. He probably shouldn't call him Bad at this moment.

"I miss you Darryl..." Skeppy sobs.

"Skeppy...?" Bad whispered.

Skeppy starts crying. He couldn't help it.

"When I told our friends that one night when we... when we still hate each other, it was a lie... Y-you probably still hate me but... I don't hate you. After that moment, I've been thinking about... how much I regret pushing you away... my best friend..." Skeppy says, his voice cracking.

Skeppy sniffs and continues, "I-I'm so sorry, Darryl... For everything. The memes, the insults, spams, swears, everything! I'm even sorry about the video from long ago, I was selfish and stupid and blind... you were right to blame me, it was all my fault..."

Bad stood there, speechless. Meanwhile, Skeppy was tearing up, keeping his head down to avoid looking at Bad.

Skeppy tries to wipe the tears from his face but they kept overflowing.

Skeppy whimpers, "Darryl, you- you don't have to forgive me... you're allowed to hate me all you want... I just... I just want to let you know I'm sorry and that I won't be bothering you ever again..."

There was a moment of silence between them. A6D waited for Bad's response.

"Skeppy..." Bad whispered.

"Hmm...?" Skeppy hums, not looking at Bad.

Suddenly, Skeppy felt a pair of arms envelope around him.

"Huh...?" Skeppy looks up.

"Skeppy..." Bad whispers while he has Skeppy in his arms. "Zak, you muffinhead... I miss you too..."

"R-really...?" Skeppy asks, hugging back with only one arm because he needs his other one to hold onto the crutch and help him stand.

"Yeah." Bad nods. "There's no way I could hate you after hearing all that... you were my best friend, Zak. You were my everything... you've been with me my entire childhood and high school... I couldn't forget you so easily."

"You... you forgive me...?" Skeppy whispers, hope seeping in his feelings.

"Of course I do." Bad smiles sadly. "Just don't do it ever again, okay?"

"Okay." Skeppy nods.

"I won't leave you ever again, I promise." Bad murmurs.

"I p-promise too." Skeppy smiles too, hugging tighter, "And I promise I'll t-treat you better and won't hurt you anymore."

"Pinky promise?" Bad asks, lifting his pinky finger up.

Skeppy does the same, interlocking with Bad's pinky. "I p-pinky promise."

"Good..." Bad nods. He hugs Skeppy tighter, letting Skeppy cry on his shoulder.

Suddenly, they both heard the door slam open and the sound of a kazoo.

"Congratulations!!" A6D cheers.

"I-" Skeppy pauses, shooting a BRUH look at A6D. "We were just having an emotional moment and you ruined it."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself." A6D giggles.

A6D then runs out the door, excitedly saying, "I gotta tell the Dream Team!!"

Skeppy turns red from embarrassment. Bad chuckles, "Never mind him, Zak."

"Uh-huh..." Skeppy smiles, not pulling from the hug.


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