"I have to go for a pretty long drive, so I was hoping you'd come along for the ride," He answered. You were surprised given the way he worded it, but chose to accept his offer nonetheless.

"Sure, when are we leaving?" you asked, shutting the closet doors and putting the call on speaker so you could undress. "Is it okay if I come in around half an hour?" he asked. "Sure, I should be ready by then," you answered, slipping on a t-shirt and bidding him goodbye.

You wainted in your room for the entire half hour. Levi's car pulled into your driveway and you hopped down to put your shoes on. Your mom wouldn't be up for a while, so there wasn't any point in leaving her a note since you'd be home before she woke up.

He opened the passenger side door as you walked out of the house. "Hey," you said in a claimed tone as you jumped into the car. "Hi," he replied, his voice a bit softer than yours. Your face fell a bit as the mood turned serious, but chose to not bring it up. At least not right away.

"What's wrong?" you asked, leaning forward a bit as the silence became unbearable. "Nothing," Levi answered, starting to back the car out of your driveway. You drove down the long street, and soon, you had left town. You weren't sure where you were going, or how long it would take.

"So, where are we going?" you asked straight up while avoiding eye contact and looking out the window as cars passed by. "My Friends house. He just wanted me to drop off a few parts for his car," Levi answered, not giving you much to say in return.

You nodded in response and looked back out the window. The silence seemed suffocating. It was like you were holding your breath, well, that was partly true. Levi turned on the radio to dull the tension in the air. You weren't sure what was up, but chose to not mention it right away. He might have gotten into a fight, or maybe he was actually drunk last night, but either way, it wasn't the time.

The night had gone so well, so you were a bit confused. If there was some miscommunication, Levi wasn't the type to keep his mouth shut. If he really did have a problem, he would come out and say it. "I also wanted to talk to you," he said, turning the music down a bit. Your blood ran cold as the words left his mouth. A 'talk' was never good. "Yeah, sure, what is it?" you asked, not actually wanting to know the answer.

"It's just, last night," he said, gripping the steering wheel a bit harder. "Can we just act like nothing happened? I like you, but I don't want to get into a relationship. You're a nice girl, don't get me wrong, I'm just not ready," he answered. You weren't sure if that was the case, but for now, you had no choice but the believe him.

Your face fell a bit, but you picked yourself back up and replied. "Yeah, sure," you said, turning front to the icy road. He didn't bother reaching to fix the radio volume. The tension had doubled, so much so you could practically see it.

You didn't care if he was lying or not, it was better to have ripped the bandage off sooner than later. Leaving fake feelings wouldn't help anybody. If only you weren't stuck in the car with him.

Even if you didn't notice, it bothered Levi deep down. He didn't want to cut off what you had just created, he really didn't, but it had to be done. Even since he was young, he had trouble maintaining stable relationships.

I guess you could say he thought he didn't deserve to be loved. His past was dark. Not only his, but his entire family, or what remained. It was hard to let go of it, and for Levi, it was even harder to love. You knew this. He had told you so long ago, but you still decided to put the blame on yourself.

"Hey, can you pull the car over?" you asked, a slight shake to your voice. "Why, we're on the highway, plus, there really is no point," he said, doing it anyways. No one else was on the road, so you were left in complete silence.

Learning to Love - Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now