Chapter 2

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Ludmila POV

I walked downstairs and sat at the kitchen table

I ate my breakfast and my mother walked in and gave me sympathetic looks

" Good morning " I smiled

" Ludmila " She sighed and sat on the chair next to me

" Yeah ? " I asked . "Diego's coming over later " She said

" Cool " I replied

I put my bowl in the sink and wondered why she sounded sad, she loved Diego like her own son

I ran up to my room and picked out my outfit

I quickly got dressed and brushed my blonde hair

I brushed my teeth and washed my face when I heard " LUDMILA " being called by my mother

I ran downstairs to see Diego standing at the door with his parents. It was suspicious because his parents never went anywhere together

" Hey " I smiled giving Diego a hug, but he didn't hug, he just stood there awkwardly

" What's up ? " I asked as his parents and my mother walked to the kitchen

" I just thought I'd call over and say 'Hi' ..." Diego said

" Ok , is your parents ok ? Why are they here ? " I asked

" They just wanted to spend time with me" Diego replied

I nodded my head in understanding but actually I was very confused

We talked and hung out, like we did everyday, for about an hour until his parents came into the sitting room, where we were sitting

" Diego, it's time to go" His father, Gregorio, said like I was invisible

Diego stood up and walked to the door , he gave me a smile

" Diego , your dad and I will be in the car " His mother said and he nodded

Diego's parents walked out of the door, to the car

" Lud , I just want you to know that I love you and I always will " He said pulling me into a warm embrace

" Diego, what's this all about ? " I asked

" I need to go " Diego said and turned around. I tugged his arm, turning him back around

" What's this all about ? " I repeat

He stood there and held my hands. He puled my hands backwards, making our faces closer

" Goodbye " He whispered

" What do you mean?-" I asked but stopped when his lips crashed on mine. He pulled back before I could kiss back

My first kiss .... Wasn't even an actual kiss .....

Diego walks out of my house. What the hell was that ?

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