𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 - 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝

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You bumped into a guy, looking straight at his shirt. You didn't want to look up and see who it was. Truth be told, you weren't supposed to be out of your room, but your ass decided it would be great to snoop around. You slowly looked up though, considering if it was Naib or Emily they would have most likely already hit you in the head or something. When you glanced up however, you did not expect it to be a gray-haired man, with a mask. You blinked a couple of times, then jumped back.

"W-Woah, you have grey hair!?" You practically yelled, then shut your mouth with your hand. The mans eyes widened. He looked down at his hands. "Are....aren't you supposed to be in your room?" He said in a quiet voice, fiddling with his hands. You looked at him, then mentally slapped yourself. Of course Naib or Emily would tell everyone, no wonder. You nodded, but scooted closer to him. "You know, I would and all, but it's soooo boring being by myself. Could I stay with you? Or you stay with me?" You said with a cheeky smile, and giggled. He glanced at you. "O-oh...sure.." he said again, as you grabbed his hand. You let him to your room, and then flopped into your bed. That made your ponytail come out. You looked back at the boy, then sat upright.

"Oh right! I never got your name!" You said and put your hands together.

He nervously flickered his eyes away from you. "A-Aesop." He said softly. You smiled. "Aesop! Lovely name." You said. What you said was true though, as it had a nice ring to it. You hummed. Aesop shuffled, and he sat beside you on your chair. "What's your name..?" He asked nervously. You looked at him. "Oh! I'm [y/n]! And I'm practically going to die right nowww." You whined, and laid on your bed. Your head kinda went into Aesop's lap, and he jumped back in surprise. Clearly he wasn't very comfortable with touch. You closed your eyes, and opened one to look at him. He was staring directly at you, with his grey [im pretty sure lol] eyes staring into your [e/c] ones. His face started to dust a light pink as he muttered a sorry. You only hummed in response. Aesop had his hands in the air since he had no idea where to put them. It was cute, you thought as you gently grabbed his hands and put them on your hair. "I like it when people play with my hair, but you don't have to." You said simply. That was the only thing that your mom did for you. She would comb through your hair, putting it up nicely or leaving it down so it looked like silk. You could tell through his mask that he was smiling, but he said nothing as he starting to comb through your hair.
This continued for several minutes. You sat up, and he started to put your hair into a ponytail. You hummed a song as he did this, making him feel happy inside. Aesop finished it off by adding a fox pin. "T-there.." he said softly. You got up and went to the bathroom. You looked in the mirror and came back running at Aesop. Aesop being Aesop thought you were going to hit him, so he put his hands in a block. You however, just tackled him into a hug. "OH MY GOD! I LOVE IT!! AESOP, CAN I DO YOUR HAIR?" You practically begged at him, squishing him in your hug. He blushed, and nodded nervously. You giggled, and sat behind him, taking out his ponytail. You starting combing through his hair, making it back into a ponytail, but instead you made it a tiny bun. You licked your lips in concentration, as Aesop sat there like a nervous wreck. You suddenly stopped, and yelled "DONE!" Aesop flinched, and you quickly apologized for yelling in his ear. Aesop turned to you, and smiled. You knew this from his closed eyes, squinting at you. "Thank you." He said simply. You felt a light blush come across your face, and quickly muttered a, "no p-problem!" At him. Suddenly, the door to your room slammed open.

"[y/n]- oh hello Aesop! I didn't know you were in here!" Emily said at the base of the door. Aesop looked up suddenly, and quickly backed out of the room, leaving you with Emily. "Hi Emily! Sorry he was doing my hair." You said giggling. Emily's gaze softened at you, as she turned to watch Aesop leaving the room.

"Anyways, as I was saying. Dinners ready, so let's go. Also, you and Luca have to clean up after, as your "punishment." Don't ask me, Naib made me do this." She said the last part in frustration. You shrugged. "Whatever. Naib can put a stick up his ass for all I care." Emily gasped, and started laughing. "Shhh!! You don't know if Naib also has super hearing!" She said in-between laughs. She grabbed your hand and led you to the diner room. You yawned. Maybe all that running with Luca tired me out, you thought as you made it to a lot of people staring at you. Your eyes widened, and suddenly you were scooped up bridle-style. You snapped your head to who it was. And of course. Luca.

"Hey [y/n]~ why did you let me get chased down by Naib?" He whined, making you feel fuzzy inside. "L-Luca, you took his stuff, not me." You said as you got out of his hold. He held onto you though, making you feel annoyed. Luca looked back at the many glares he got. He smirked. "[y/n]~ sit with meee! It'll only be fair, since you let me get hurt!" He said sarcastically at the last part, holding his heart and making him "fall." You rolled your eyes. "Ok." You said simply as he silently said "YES." he glanced at Naib, a cheeky smile on his lips as he went to sit by you. You put your head on the table, Eli sitting beside you. Eli looked at you concerned, and he patted your back. "Your tired aren't you [y/n]? Why don't you get some rest after dinner." He said smiling at you in a genuine way. You looked at him, still head on the table, and mumbled an agreement. Emma giggled at your child behavior, and Emily set down a plate of food for you. You thanked her and ate your food. As you were eating, however, you were disturbed by Luca turning your face to him.

"Stay still [y/n], there's a piece of food on your face." He said in a sweet tone, and brushed off a piece of food on your lip. You smiled at him and thanked him, and went back to eating. Oblivious to the fact on what he just did. Luca glared at Naib, who glared at Luca. They had tension between the two, and you didn't want to get into it. You licked your lips as you ate the last piece of food, before getting up to get everyone's dishes. Luca started to sweep the floor as everyone started to leave, and then, it was just you two. You started shuffling around, changing the table cloth, and started to wash the dishes in the sink. Luca came to you and starting helping you. You were tired, that very much was so, as you were barely awake, eyes barely opened. Luca noticed this and hummed. When you both finished he helped you up, putting one arm on your waist to keep you up. You looked like you were drunk if I was honest, but in reality you were sleep deprived.

You frankly didn't care. You leaned onto Luca, breathing becoming slower, which was meaning you were starting to pass out. Luca laughed nervously. "Hey, don't fall asleep on me, you have to get up those stairs..." too late again, you were out cold. He sighed, and lifted you up. Luca made his way to your room, slowly opening it as he put you under the covers. Luca fiddled with his hands when you were done, having no idea what to do next. Quickly, he decided to give you a kiss on the forehead and made his way out of the room.

"Goodnight [y/n], sleep well." That was all you heard before you passed out again.

☆♬○♩●♪✧♩                    Word Count: 1450 words

Shorter chapter, but whoop whoop Aesop time. This was very fun to write-
- Jasy

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