Chapter 5: New House!

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Emily was sitting on the curb, crying her eyes out. She could feel eyes on her, but she didn't want to see who it was. She just sat there with her head in her hands, she didn't want to talk to anyone. She then felt a hand on her shoulder, "Hey.." She heard, it was Colin. What does he want?

"Leave me alone!" She said, pushing him away.

He grabbed her and hugged her, she just opened her eyes. "No!" He yelled, she looked up at him. He saw the tears, he then swept them away with his thumb. "No tears, you know I won't leave you alone."

"Colin.." She started to say, he just hugged her. They then waited for a while for her family member to show up. She was leaning her head on Colin's shoulder, he smiled and was holding her hand. He then smiled and he looked at their hands together.

"Your hands are really adorable." He said with a smile.

"You're only saying that cause they are smaller than your hands." She said to him, he then smiled again. He kissed her forehead. They then waited for her family member a little bit longer, what was taking them this long to get to the airport. "They shouldn't be taking this long to get here."

Colin looked at her, "Are they in the middle of traffic?"

"I don't think so, they don't usually take this long to get anywhere."

"Maybe they are taking their time." Melody said, Emily then looked at the ground; she saw her hand that was with Colin's hand. She smiled, she was bored though. They all waited for more hours to go by, they sat there on the curb waiting.

"They will be here soon, I'm sure they wouldn't forget that they had to pick you up."

"Thanks Colin, I just don't know why they are taking this long to come here."

"They could be taking it slow today, you never know. We are all here with you, so you're not completely alone and bored." He said with a smile, this smile made his eyes close. It was the most adorable thing.

"I'm glad you guys are here with me." She said, she then put her head on his shoulder. He smiled, Jordan looked over and he thought was adorable. He then got Melody's attention.

"Melody, look."

"What is it Jordan?"

"Look at them, I knew they liked each other." Jordan said, he was happy.

"You need to learn how to leave them alone."

"When asked, she said she didn't like him and that he doesn't like her. They like each other." Jordan said to Melody.

"Sometimes, girls can't say anything. It's call Girl Code, it's something that only girls know and they can't break it." Melody said to Jordan, he just looked at her. He looked confused with what she was talking about. Melody looked at his face and started to laugh. "You're adorable when you're confused." She said, she booped his nose and he smiled. Jordan didn't stop looking at Emily and Colin he thought it was one of the most adorable things in the world. He hated that she was hiding everything from him. After they all waited for about 7 hours, Emily saw a car pull up in front of them.

"Hi, are you guys waiting for a ride?" They asked, Emily looked up and saw who it was.

"Yeah, what took you so long? We have been waiting forever!" She said, she smiled after. She was happy to see her aunt, she never talked about or talked to her; her name was Luna.

"I was in the middle of traffic, it took forever to get there. Sorry for making you guys wait." Her aunt said to them, she knew she didn't mean to be late or make them wait.

"It's okay, I probably should've know it would be like this right now." Emily said, she then looked at everyone that was behind her.

"Who are your friends?"

"Oh, their names are Colin, Jordan and Melody. They came here with me." Emily said, her aunt smiled and she was glad that Emily brought some friends with her.

"Nice to meet all of you, now come on; let's go. We have a house to see." She said, Emily smiled. She let Jordan and Melody sit together. So, Emily was in the front with her aunt. Even though, she was falling asleep sitting in the front seat. She had her head leaning against the window. Colin looked over at her, since he was in the seat behind her aunt.

"Emily, why don't you ask your aunt to pull over. So, you can switch with Jordan." Colin said to her, she picked her head up and turned to him.

"It's okay, I'm just trying to rest my eyes." She said to Colin.

"No you're not, you're leaning your head against the window and falling asleep. Why do that, when I have a shoulder here that says your name." He said with a smile, she didn't see the smile. Jordan did and he nodded at Colin.

"Just ask her to pull over, you can come sleep back here. Colin has a shoulder for you." Jordan said, she looked over at her aunt and she pulled over. Emily didn't know that the guys would be right, she then got out of the car. She walked to the back door behind her seat, Melody also got out; then she let Jordan out of the car. Jordan and Melody helped Emily get in the back seat, since she was falling asleep standing there. She sat in the middle, Colin smiled at her and he saw how sleepy she looked. They all got settled into the car again, her aunt went back on the road. Emily leaned her head on Colin's shoulder, it was more comfy than the window. She fell back asleep, Colin and Melody looked at her. Jordan turned around and smiled, Colin looked at them both.

"I think she is comfy." Colin said with a smile.

"She looks comfy, I guess this was a better idea than hitting her head off the window."

"It is a way better idea, she won't hurt herself this way." Her aunt said, she looked in the mirror and smiled. It was something new and it was a lot more comfier than the window. Even though, Emily was stopping Colin from moving. Her aunt then got to the driveway, she pulled in and looked in the mirror. "Colin dear, can you wake Emily up? We are at the house right now."

"Sure, I'll see if she wants to wake up." Colin said, he then looked over at her. He started to shake her, she started to move after. Emily then fluttered her eyes open, she saw him and smiled. She wanted to close her eyes again, then he picked her head up. She didn't realize she slept the whole ride and they were now at the new house. They all got out of the car and walked towards the front door to the house. It was exciting to be at this new house. Especially since, Emily was going to live with her friends. They all went inside and looked around.

"This place is HUGE! I can't wait to make new memories at this house." Jordan said he was one of the most excited people in this house right now.

"I'm going to go find my room." Melody said, Jordan then went with her.

Colin looked around, "This house is amazing." He said, it was pretty amazing. Making new memories will be hard.

"I hope this is the right house, I really just hope we can make new memories before we keep the old ones." Emily said, she then looked up at his little smile he had.

"We sure will make more memories here, we just have to figure where to start them." Colin said to her, she turned around and he smiled.

"Yeah, that's the first thing to do."

"Come on!" Jordan yelled, he really wanted to start the new memories. "Let's check this house out!" He yelled again he was excited. He then dragged everyone with him. Emily didn't know where to go first, so she just followed everyone. It was a big house and it was exciting to check out the house.

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