eight - the truth serum

Start from the beginning

"Please step inside", he says and makes a hand gesture like he's your servant. You laugh and enter. You look around and see Harry, Hermione, Ron, George, Oliver, Neville and Cedric sitting on the sofas in front of the fire.

"Y/n! I'm glad you came! Sit down with us", Hermione says smiling at you and you sit down next to her and Cedric.

You all talk a lot about really anything and you feel very comfortable being around them. Especially Cedric makes you feel so welcomed. Then, Fred has the idea to play truth or dare with truth serum. Normally, you would never agree to play, but you already had so much to drink that you think his idea is amazing. You start with Harry who actually confesses that he's in love with Cho and then Ron has to kiss Hermione which is spectacular. Next, Fred has to do a dance and you all lay on the floor laughing. Then, it's Cedric's turn an he chooses truth.

"Do you like, y/n?" George asks immediately after he drank the serum.

"Yes, I really like her. I think she's amazing actually!" Cedric tells everyone.

You just sit there being a little shocked. There is silence. Everyone just looks at you, so you take your cup and finish your whole drink of vodka. Considering that you're already drunk it's not really good idea but you do it anyway.

"Well... y/n's turn next!" Fred says to break the silence.

"Finally! I'll do truth", you say and take the serum.

"Okay, does someone have a question?" Fred asks.

"Yes! Y/n, who do you like?" Hermione wants to know.

"Oh, uhm... I'm literally in love with Draco. He's so handsome and hot like I just can't believe it!", comes out of your mouth without you wanting to say it.

Everyone looks at you with wide eyes like they can't believe it. The serum slowly wears off and you're so embarrassed that you finish another drink and another one until you're really really drunk.

"Are you and Malfoy together?" Ron asks you laughing.

"Pssst that's a secret, Ron! Nobody can know!" you say while putting your finger to your lips and laughing.

"My god, she's so drunk. We should bring her to her dorm", Cedric says worried.

"I don't wanna go to my doooorm! I wanna see Draco!" you protest like a little girl.

"We should never give her anything to drink again!" Harry suggests and the others agree.

"I just wanna go to Dracoooo!" you moan, "Take me to Dracoooo!"

You keep talking about him for about an hour. Cedric already left looking kind of hurt and Oliver went to sleep too.

"What if I just take her to him?" Fred wonders, "Should be funny, don't you think?"

"Don't you dare do that, Fred!" Hermione threatens.

"Ohhh, now I'm going to do it for sure!" he says and picks you up. You just lay in his arms like half dead still asking for Draco.

Then suddenly, you find yourself in front of the Slytherin common room still in Fred arms. Someone opens the door and it's Draco.

"What the-", he begins.

"Please take her! She's had too much to drink and has been asking for you the whole night", Fred begs him.

"Uh..." Draco answers, but next thing you know is that you're laying in his arms and he walks with you to his dorm.

You put your arms around his neck, look at him and say, "Dracooo! I missed you sooo much!"

"Yeah, I missed you too...", he answers a little annoyed and puts you down in his bed.

"You should get some sleep", he says while taking off your shoes.

"I feel sick... I think... I-", and right at this moment you puked all over yourself and his bedsheets.

"Oh my god... I'm so sorry!" you say and start to cry. Alcohol always intensifies your emotions.

"Uh... It's okay... Here, let me help you", Draco helps you to get up and takes you to the bathroom. He helps you get in the shower and takes off your sweater and leggings. Then, he turns on the water and let's it run over your body. While you're sitting in the shower he changes the sheets. When he's done he comes back into the bathroom and gives you one of his shirts and a pair of sweatpants. He dries you with a towel and helps you put on the clothes. Then, he leads you to his bed again and makes you lay down. He puts the sheets over you and tells you to go to sleep. He's about to lay down on the ground when you tell him to lay next to you in bed, so he does. You cuddle up to him and fall asleep with your head on his chest.

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